473 definitions by gnostic3

v. Died. Can also mean to give the ball or puck to a teammate.

Did you hear? Kobe passed.

Wow. That is interesting news.First time that ever happened.

You are incredibly insensitive.

Too soon?
by gnostic3 January 31, 2020
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n. Cold blizzard requiring the donning of a warm tuque. By extension it is also used in Canada to describe a period of frigidity in a romantic or business relationship.

Your Donna was dissing you all night in the pub. I sense a tuquestorm is brewing.
by gnostic3 October 18, 2020
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n. Brief refreshing sleep. Shorter than a nap but longer than a blinkie. Also, in Britain, as a derivative of napkin, a synonym for diaper.

Old Joe in the next cubicle looks like he needs a nappy.

Smells like it too..
by gnostic3 December 31, 2022
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n. Short refreshing sleep. Shorter than a nap but longer than a blinky. Also, in Britain, a diaper.

Old Joe looks like he needs a nappy.

Smells like it too.
by gnostic3 January 12, 2022
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n. Campaign speech or event that significantly reduces a candidates chances of election.

Do something to block the cavalcade of doom. Alberta does not need a trumpstump.
by gnostic3 November 10, 2022
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n. Bothersome growth that must be removed from the body politic for society to function properly.

Waving signs and chanting is all fine but it takes concerted action to excise a racyst.
by gnostic3 October 5, 2020
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n. After Trump. The era following the departure of TheDonald. A time of reflection.A time of gaiety. A time of mourning.

There was much time given to serious thought in the years A.T.
by gnostic3 December 24, 2020
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