42 definitions by Talmanes

n., obviously meaning retarded. Pronounced letter-by-letter (AR-EE-TEE-AY-AR-EE-TEE-DEE), it is a play on the acronyms ADD and ADHD, used in situations where someone claims Attention Defecit Disorder or Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder as the cause of their idiotic behavior.
A: Sorry about that, man. I've got ADD.
B: You sure that's not RETARDED?

I was acting like such an ass that I thought I might have ADHD, but no; turns out it's just RETARDED.

Hey, I really am taking meds for ADD, so don't say I have RETARDED! I'm not retarded!
by Talmanes December 21, 2006
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1, n. Slang term for the head, specifically the top of the head when used in a headbutt. Obviously, it refers to the idea that if you punch with your knuckles, a headbutt uses one big knuckle.
2, v. To headbutt someone, aka "give 'em the big knuckle."
Did you see that? Zinedine Zidane just gave that dude the big knuckle!

Ooh, right to the face with the big knuckle! Looks like his skull knocked out a few of his opponent's teeth!

Good answer--that's using the big knuckle.
by Talmanes December 21, 2006
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A cliche phrase or saying that is rarely ever used in conversational English, but appears in bad prose, film, and television. Originated with the phrase, "I want to please you," usually said in terrible b-movies by a female attempting to engage a male in sex. The term is usually used in the pejorative, to mock or insult someone's speech or writing.
"You're all wet."
"Man, that is such a pleaseme."

"I could buy and sell you!"
"Could you try using an insult that wasn't such a pleaseme?"

"Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"I guess, but that was a total pleaseme."
by Talmanes November 9, 2005
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Noun, plural & singular. A portmanteu of vagina and Jedi, it has multiple meanings.

1. a gynecologist, especially one with mad skillz.
2. a person (male or female) who is an expert at seducing women.
3. a woman using a brightly-colored dildo or vibrator, especially one in bright red or green that makes a low humming sound.
1. I'm Dr. Obi-GYN Kenobi, your gynecologist, and I'm a Vajedi Master. Don't underestimate the power of the Forceps.

2. Tyson hooked up with another chick? Man, that guy's a fucking Vajedi!

3. That webcam chick was going at it with a glowing green vibrator like some kind of Vajedi Knight.
by Talmanes April 17, 2007
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Flatulence which loosens the bowels enough to void an amount of fecal matter, be it just a bit or an entire load. In other words, when you mean to fart and accidentally shit yourself.
Aww, man... I just let a hard fart go, and now I've got to throw out my new underwear!

You should check your drawers, man. That sounded like a hard fart to me.
by Talmanes November 16, 2005
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In tabletop or online RP settings, a twink (often also referred to as a munchkin in tabletop settings) is someone who has min-maxed their character to emphasize a single set of game stats rather than creating a well-rounded character. While these characters are most often geared toward combat, there are a variety of twinks, often differentiated by an accompanying title, such as combat twink, TS twink/cybersex twink, social twink, gear twink, or others.

This seems the most likely origin for the MMORPG version of the term, since tabletop and online RPGs were the precursors to games like World of Warcraft, and the definitions share similarities.
So he put all of his points into Strength and Constitution, and put his lowest into Wisdom and Charisma, huh? Sounds like he's rolling up another combat twink.

Dena is such a total TS twink. I swear, her stats are always geared toward making her character attractive so she can cyber other players.

Damn it, there are too many social twinks on this game. The second I think I'm going to have some interesting interaction with someone, they start rolling to forcibly manipulate my character.
by Talmanes April 29, 2008
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In tabletop or online RP settings, a twink (often also referred to as a munchkin) is someone who has min-maxed their character to emphasize a single set of game stats rather than creating a well-rounded character. While these characters are most often geared toward combat, there are a variety of twinks, often differentiated by an accompanying title, such as combat twink, TS twink/sex twink, social twink, gear twink, or others.

This seems the most likely origin for the MMORPG version of the term, since tabletop and online RPGs were the precursors to games like World of Warcraft, and the definitions share similarities.
So he put all of his points into Strength and Constitution, and put his lowest into Wisdom and Charisma, huh? Sounds like he's rolling up another combat twink.

Dena is such a total TS twink. I swear, her stats are always geared toward making her character attractive so she can cyber other players.

Damn it, there are too many social twinks on this game. The second I think I'm going to have some interesting interaction with someone, they start rolling to forcibly manipulate my character.
by Talmanes April 27, 2008
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