42 definitions by Talmanes

A rhyming request made by people entreating someone to either share what they have or put it away. This can apply to food, a CD that people want burned copies of, or even your significant other.
Man, I'm tired of watching you chew a new stick of gum every three minutes. Hide it or divide it!

You keep going on and on about how great Pat is, so hide it or divide it, girl. Give us a chance.
by Talmanes August 1, 2007
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Originally a surname from the Phillipines (most notably Eustaquio Daligdig, a Filipino hero who was said to be invulnerable to bullets and possessed the ability to fly, making him the Filipino Superman), the word's alliteration is so fun to say aloud that is occasionally used as a replacement for the word delicious, and has become a statement of satisfaction or pleasure, and sometimes just on its own as an exclamation of exuberance.
That donut is delicious--nay, daligdig.

You bought Guitar Hero II for me? Oh, daligdig!

by Talmanes December 2, 2006
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1. n. Short for "grandmother," used informally.

2. v. To throw an object by holding it in both hands and pitching it underhand, generally while bending the knees. Used often when referring to a style of throwing a basketball for those too weak or innacurate to make it to the hoop.

3. n. Short for "Granny Smith," a type of apple.
1. Are we going to see Granny? She makes awesome potato salad.

2. If you can't make a free throw regularly, man, just granny it up there. It's just a pickup game.

3. Man, that was a good granny I just ate there.
by Talmanes March 3, 2006
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Bucho was originally a general insult for someone acting like a jerk or idiot, but has become a catch-all term used to indicate cameraderie (see man, dude, buddy, homey). Generally directed toward a masculine person or thing, and may also be construed as "big man" (such as the villain from Desperado).

"Bucho" is apparently used in both Portuguese and Spanish to mean "pig fat," and is a cooking term not unlike "lard," which would make sense for the big man definition of the word, as in Desperado and "Fat Bucho," the large, bald, black 3rd level boss in the original Nintendo game Kung Fu.
What's up, bucho?

Sorry about that, bucho. I didn't mean to upset you.
by Talmanes January 6, 2005
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(v) To reference a place you've been during a conversation, whether or not it is appropriate, for the purpose of pointing out you've been there. Similar to namedropping, save that the object is to point out that you've been somewhere, not that you were with someone.
Person 1: I'm trying to lay off hard alcohol for a while.
Person 2: Oh, me, too -- ever since I was in Cabo last month, I've been watching what I drink.
Person 3: Way to placedrop Cabo in the conversation.

I like Sean, but he's constantly placedropping Chicago, like he's so cool for having gone there on vacation.

It was about halfway through the conversation that I realized I'd placedropped London six times, not even meaning to bring up my summer there.
by Talmanes June 9, 2008
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An invented term for any nonspecific body part when one doesn't know the real name. Generally used to help describe vague illness or discomfort, as a placeholder until the actual name is learned, or in jest. The word was originally used on the cartoon "Muppet Babies" to describe a torture device, but came into usage as a generic anatomical term because it sounds so authentically biological.
Shit, I have a belly ache--I think my scrabula is swollen.

Keith went to the doctor because he fell off of his skateboard and broke his scrabula or some shit.

Person 1: "The New Human Anatomy." Huh. What about that book do you think is "new," man?
Person 2: Maybe it contains the human scrabula this time.
by Talmanes December 2, 2006
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A phrase uttered by Teresa Strasser on "the Adam Carolla Show" after she had quietly criticized Adam Carolla's use of the word "gay" to mean "lame" rather than "homosexual" during the bit "the Gayest Songs of All Time." Immediately afterward, Culture Club's "Karma Chameleon" was played, to which Teresa uttered, "That's both kinds of gay," meaning it was both lame and homosexual in content. Amusingly, the original meaning of gay, "happy," does not enter into the phrase.
Tony got drunk and told you he wanted to give you a bj? Dude, that's both kinds of gay.

Would it be both kinds of gay if a girl grabbed another girl's boobs and asked if they were fake, or just one? And which one?
by Talmanes December 2, 2006
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