83 definitions by KImCobain

An individual who may or may not be an inmate, serial killer or psychopath, who writes lame unsolicited 'comical' comments to posts written by people they don't know.
I was inundated by Facebook Philosophers recently so I switched my settings to private only.
by KImCobain June 11, 2016
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An array of disgustingly slimy limes, lemons, cherries, celery, olives and so forth, marinating in a brine of watery acidic juice with discarded pennies, burnt matches and bacteria from filthy hands, in plastic bins with flip tops. These are found by the waitress station at any watering hole or dive bar in most of the world where alcohol is served.
Never, ever, allow a cocktail waitress to serve you a drink garnished with any sort of bar fruit.
by KImCobain March 12, 2015
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Refers to any and all of the foolish stick on tatoos, including metallics, available at drugstores, Kmart and bad mall tween junk shops
Stefanie has a shiny rat tat on her neck today.
by KImCobain February 20, 2015
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The adult version of roommate, now graduated to Housemate. Usually not a desirable way to live, but often required in order to avoid living out of your SUV or a tarp underneath a bridge.
When your gated community condo is vacated by your spouse, leaving you stuck with a killer mortgage and high utilities, you must coexist with a HM to avoid foreclosure.
by KImCobain March 2, 2015
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A common practice - most frequently occurring in large INSURANCE companies - wherein corporate whores who are the most moronic imbeciles, inexperienced and completely UNQUALIFIED termites are hired into management based only on who they know and who they blow. They survive solely through their connections- and the hard work of subordinates who need to keep their jobs. These colossal losers make disastrous business decisions, pass off 99% of their responsibilities to others, know nothing about the job and collect huge salaries JUST for being somones old college roommate and full time suckup. A lot of them are male, with a stay at home wife who home schools their useless children.
That frickin idiot has a management job only through corporate incest.
by KImCobain August 10, 2017
A person who is too lazy to get into a full fledged university, and settles for community college instead. He or she defends the decision by saying such things as "I needed time to decide my major" or "I was going to apply to UConn but my application was lost." Usually this scary underachiever goes on to drop out or flunk out of the most basic intro courses and ends up spending at least 4 years dicking around and running up student loans without ever accomplishing anything or graduating.
John R is a community college legend who will forever be employed at Pizza Hut.
by KImCobain February 20, 2015
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Someones who get drunk and stoned and engage in heavy philosophical conversations with nothing to back up their opinions other than their primal sincerity.
We are just pothead philosophers with no type of studious background whatsoever.
by KImCobain March 12, 2015
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