83 definitions by KImCobain

Redneck for Christmas - how many U's do there have to be in this word? Often used with "Murry' preceding.
Don't y'all worry none, I'll be back in time for Crussmus. Y'all have a Murry Crussmus.
by KImCobain February 28, 2015
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Well employed Urban professionals, usually over the age of 40, who are just well-to-do stoners and Pot Head Philosophers.
Lets go down to the Sunset Grill and watch the working Hempsters go by .
by KImCobain March 7, 2017
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A dental condition characterized by poor occlusion and missing teeth with wide spacing. Orthodonture definitely indicated.
Britney Spears' kids have a terrible case of SpongeBob teeth.
by KImCobain April 10, 2015
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Overeating, drinking and being a total pig while staying at an all inclusive vacation resort
Bruh trally packed on the pounds while he was a resort porky..
by KImCobain June 6, 2016
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When you're stuck on an Airbus which can't land due to weather, and you can't get up because the captain can't turn off the seatbelt sign
Dude I was a pee pee hostage over Denver!
by KImCobain June 8, 2016
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A person so sugary fake sweet that just being around them for 10 minutes can cause the sudden onset of Type 2 diabetes.
Jess is so sugar fake she gave me diabetes.
by KImCobain March 12, 2015
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A frat party go to wherein the goal is to cram as many guys as possible into a Volkswagen Beetle. Generally results in at least one person experiencing a near death experience from suffocation.
Sigma Chi Will be going for a record popes in a Volkswagen Friday night.
by KImCobain March 4, 2015
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