83 definitions by KImCobain

Extreme Nirvana fans - still followers of Kurt Cobain. Usually own great collectible Fender guitars including JagStang or Mustang that sit in a closet collecting dust, refusing to part with them for "nostalgic" reasons.

If you're looking to buy a first run JagStang in Sonic Blue, look for one of Kurtz Kids and make a generous offer to purchase.
If you're lucky, maybe one of Kurtz Kidz will agree to sell you a Sonic Blue JagStang.
by KImCobain March 10, 2015
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A message from a higher power that you're on the shitlist. Redneck neighbors are like a plague: widespread and difficult to get rid of. Once the neighborhood is infected, they import their friends and relatives as well. They are renters, never homeowners. They are either morbidly obese or stick figure thin - there is no in between. They either have few teeth or a set of greenish brown ones. Redneck neighbors drive 25+ year old vehicles that are cars and trucks in the technical sense, most held together with coat hanger wire and bondo and have no mufflers. They work on these things daily. They keep herds of large, thin mangy dogs which are often confused with their kids. They sit on the porch talking loudly and drinking some sort of distiller liquid and cheap ass beer 24/7. They keep the tobacco industry in business. They put out mismatched plastic urns filled with random plastic flowers that blow all over neighboring yards. They are always seen at neighborhood yard sales. The police/sheriff visits at least twice a week and child service workers lurk monthly. it takes a landlord months to get them out of the property, at which time they must torch it or demo it because of uninhabitable condition. The evicted rednecks proceed to move in next door with their relatives so it's really a vicious circle. They make a great pilot for a TV reality show.
Redneck neighbors are like herpes - if you get it you never get rid of it.
by KImCobain March 12, 2015
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An anorexic bulimic. A woman with no self esteem who ties her entire existence to having the appearance of a skeleton.
Ana has starved and purged herself into an anorlemic skeleton.
by KImCobain March 4, 2015
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An annoying and obnoxious phrase uttered by the simple minded, who don't think before they speak. It's a manner of habit for most who use it.
Lance: "Is that included in the price you quoted?"
Rep: "Yeah no, you need to upgrade for that"
by KImCobain April 22, 2015
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"We're gonna jet because we have to meet some peeps in 15 minutes"
by KImCobain February 11, 2015
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A sales tactic targeted mostly at people without money, good credit or low interest credit cards. Means the financial entity will keep accruing interest at a generally usurious interest rate until the conclusion of the specified number of months. If the purchase isn't paid in full by then, the buyer gets hit with an enormous "balloon" of accrued interest. Unless you can pay the purchase off quickly, you're a huge sucker.
Buy this incredibly marked up living room set today and get 0% interest for X months!
by KImCobain March 13, 2015
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The words uttered by any person in the process of shoving a tablet, smart phone, or any other video or photo transmitting device in your face. Sometimes it's interesting and inappropriate, but usually in a workplace environment it's the same boring pics of a coworker's kids or grandkids doing typical and predictable kids or grandkids foolishness.
(While pushing an IPad into your face zone) "Dude, you need to see this."
by KImCobain March 6, 2015
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