35 definitions by TERRYZZ

The tell-tale reference points of contact made while brown nosing the BOSS; a source of recognition of one's depth perception, which is what seperates you from a simple brown noser and an all out s#!t head. If they appear behind your ears, you may want to practice holding your breath,that is if you really need that raise.
Billy brought Miss Kinky an apple,and a box of MAGNUM Condums. I think he's working on his brownie points.
by TERRYZZ February 15, 2009
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A term used in the friendliest manner and used for greeting by all races except Elmer Fudds, then pronounced kwacker and exclaimed with malice. Possible origin of word from early 19th century(1810 to 1840) coined when the sound of the whip was the slave's (usually black) or the endentured servant's (usually white,latino,or asian)or the employee's/associate's (with a healthy salary/401k/IRA/HMO/pph's etc.) call to pick up the pace at any given jobsite. Whether it be cotton fields,railroad tracks,bridges,tunnels, or any other private or municipal project that required a large work force therefore an inherent high number of slackers(pre-union era)made it necessary to get the attention of said unmotivated workers,By making the end of a bullwhip travel faster than the speed of sound("cracking noise") The technique, when practiced regularly can cause an adequate statement of authority. The man/or woman dealing out this authority was called "the cracker".
All those middle class people are just standing in line, getting ready to graze, at the cracker barrel. If their was a head cracker in charge I'll bet the line would be moving faster. "cracker pleease?!".
by TERRYZZ February 17, 2009
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noun; proper noun; One who, according to third person accounts,; spends one heck of alot of time on theweb, searching, or playing, or composing, or devoloping a web site or all of the above etc... or more.
Woodtick #1: "Terry spent all day on his computer."
Woodtick #2: "yeah...he's turnin into a Webster
by TERRYZZ February 24, 2009
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adj; /adv; /noun ; to describe a human being's level of combined intellect, knowledge, ignorance : summary of definition: knowing just enough about any given subject that when actively interacting and becoming a participant in said subject, you will likely become dangerous to yourself, your belongings, and to other parties involved closely or seemingly far removed. (see: common sense), (stupid), (also):



"Terry was goofin around on his computer and somehow crashed the Internet.(the whole damn thing)
He wasn't aware of his Igknowlledgance.

Oppenheimer and Einstein were Igknowlledgant, though concerned about atomic fusion, or fision, and the repercussions there of, they acted on it anyway...oops. You'd a thought knowing every action has an equal and opposite reaction they woulda shit canned the idea.
"They're only human."
by TERRYZZ February 25, 2009
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ABBREVIATION:(why are there 2 b's in abbreviation,,Irony); for attention whore. Use when in ignorant company, or within earshot of the abbreviated one. The use of A.W. will halt the potential metamorphisis into a TENSION WHORE.
I used to drink rootbeer, but my old lady is such an A.W. , that now I drink Jack Daniels. OH.. HI HONEY... could you mix me another drink... pretty please, YOU are THE best! !.
by TERRYZZ February 18, 2009
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noun; adverb; a word used to describe a combination of 2 words or names that when used in a sarcastic light, is probably the funniest way to make light of any person, place, or thing,. Individual results may vary when said word is orated/spoken. There are many definitions of oxymoron, which proves the slant on the word itself is an expression of each individual's self interest and display of wit.
military intelligents,
cracker work,
igger work,
microsoft works,
urban dictionary

oxymoron definition,
by TERRYZZ February 24, 2009
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HUMAN CONDITION, ie; Carrying a mirror with you everywhere you go, so you can watch the "good ol boys" make right hand turns while everyone else is stuck with same-o,same-o left hand turns. You know you are better than that. You are amazing.
by TERRYZZ February 14, 2009
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