35 definitions by TERRYZZ

A schticker Schounding way to pronounce smegma,smegma already a word found in Webster's dictionary(some editions).Smegma as Webster's defines it;(from memory); a foul smelling cheeselike sebaceous secretion,accumulating around the clitoris of female genitalia, or under the foreskin of male genitalia. Damn funny no matter how you schpell it.
I had schmegma schtuck in my teeth, I schould schtop drinkin schomeday.
by TERRYZZ February 16, 2009
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Playboy stud # 1 : "I want to fuck her in the worst way".
Playboy stud # 2 : "Wouldn't the missionary position be good enough?.
by TERRYZZ February 17, 2009
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A part of speech or speeches, persay: though throughout history injecting uh... into your speech, to buy time while your brain processed the upcoming verbal oratory, was thought to be a signal of the speakers inability to be "clear headed". In the future it will probably become perfecctly acceptable because of Barack Obama's repeated use of UH... Because of his popularity, UH...will be even more popular than "yaknowwhatimsayin" . It may now display a slow, thoughtful, deliberate train of thought.
by TERRYZZ February 19, 2009
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Formerly known as "The United States of America"; a beautiful homogenous blend of tree huggin,soap sellin,checkwritin,viagra gulpin,i.d fabricatin,dope smokin,kuran and bible thumpin, two faced ex-race guilted victims. Now all residents claim to be of mexa- afro-euro-indiasian desent. All living in perfect harmony,even comedians have something other than race-related material. A.K.A ; NEW FRANCE
SUNG TO;from"all in the family" Didn't need no welfare state...everybody pulled their weight... mister we could use a plan for Obamanation again....
by TERRYZZ February 16, 2009
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SOCIAL STANDING; a way of life,defined by mannerisms and socioeconomic goals, anyone who lives north of Saginaw MI. for more than 2 years.A person that has attempted to mount a snowplow to their old lady's GrandAm. one who;goes to WalMart in sweat pants and flannel shirt to play nintendo(it's free); has jb-welded their dental work in place;waits for their monthly check in lieu of getting a job.
Terryzz used to be a business man when he lived "downstate", now he's happy to be a WOODTICK. He's gonna get a job tomorrow.
by TERRYZZ February 15, 2009
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noun;, a euphamism describing Barack Hussein Obama's method of strengthening the global economic positioning of the Obamanation / "United" States of America. Once promising "change we can believe in", the "steadfast" course that Obama (45th president of the United States) has taken. Critics from both parties will "ride the fence" until a positive result is achieved from this course of action taken by Obama.
woodtick # 1: yeah, I just heard Obama signed a bill that is gonna get us in debt for the next 2 or 3 generations"
woodtick #2 "yep, it's only something like 800 billion dollars, that's better than a trillion."
woodtick # 1: "well... let me see...800 billion dollars, that's uh... 80 trillion pennies. That's alot of change."
woodtick # 2: "yea man, that's change we can believe in."
woodtick # 1: "sounds like Obamanomics to me."
by TERRYZZ February 24, 2009
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verb; adverb; noun; to be placed in an area of unwanted remembrance, to put or attempt to put (as humanly possible) any person place or thing with all the other shit that has been cluttering up your life and apparently serves no useful purpose.
My employer jus shitcanned me...fugem !

I just shitcanned javascript, it's useless.

My old lady just slept with her ex , she's shitcanned in my life.

There's a live volcano erupting on Maui, I guess our vacation's shitcanned.
by TERRYZZ February 25, 2009
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