35 definitions by TERRYZZ

In modern vernacular the most direct way of saying you have the desire to copulate. If spoken aloud, there will be no doubt about your mindset, with any person that speaks english or several other languages. The thing that every guy want's to hear from his prom date. Other SYNONYMS would include; I want to sex you up, I want to get naked,I want to do the horizontal bop, I want to make it with you, I want to make sweet love to ya woman(chef), Or the following statement which involves the same act of human copulation, however may cause erectile disfunction(ED),and therefore virtually impossible to "fill the order"; I want to have your baby.
two old guys standing at the bus stop, an extremely hot young woman, wearing a very form fitting short knit skirt and low cut knit top,saunters by the "gentlemen":
OLD GUY #1: Oy vay! I want to fuck her.
OLD GUY #2: Out of what ?
by TERRYZZ February 18, 2009
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Slang, the incorrect pronunciation of negroe(spanish for black?) May be from "Nigerian" a word that is so politically incorrect to say that, I can make fun of a cracker, woodtick, obamamama, dubyad, mindfuck, nascar, fatulence, N.A.A.C.P., nascarsistic, brownie points,but a definition of nigger when intercepted by an editor of ud, who is socially hemophilic, that a positive message, using wit, about human frailty and potential resilliance to euphamisms, is rejected. This is typical in today's culture, the allowable definition of any slang word is a matter of subjectiveness and should not be censored. SEE; "nigger", many ignorant/hateful definitions are in use, merely because they were edited by a human being with a different perception of "improper". It has been said:" We are evolving at different rates". SOURCES: "A WIDE VARIETY OF CURRENT AND HISTORICAL MEDIA"
nigger is a bad word when used to demean another person, nigger is a good word when used as a brotherly euphamism, in the profound word's of Forest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does".
by TERRYZZ February 17, 2009
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a tool of the human mind; sometimes used to get oneself "layed"; a compilation of knowledge typically set forth through common vernacular or nomenclature,(use words with as many syllables as possible..it make you soun smart).Many times the sole asset of the participant's arsonal of personal selfworth, ie; the only multitasking I am proficient at is,talking and pissing people off at the same time.
MY BFF: "so you gonna jes stand there and take that shit,"
ME: "noooo,, I'll protect myself with wit."
MY BFF: "wit what?".
by TERRYZZ February 17, 2009
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a phrase : used to exclaim when you have enhanced,to your satisfaction, any of your belongings or character/activities by means which are suitable to your budget (free)IE; folding your car's wiper arms to their "up" position,turning them on and driving to(listening to led zeppelin) walmart to play video games(free) wearing(as a tanktop) a plastic shopping bag from abercrombie that you cut the bottom out of. All or part or all of this definition may be an exageration of the truth, which is another example of "pimpin it woodtick".
"Down Stater" looking at terry pulling an airbed behind his boat: Man ! that guy is "pimpin it woodtick" .
by TERRYZZ February 22, 2009
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witareah; noun: sympomatic human condition brougt on by narcissistic over use of UD. Often will cause contingent side effects, of an intensity, that may be described as UD"D. The side effect of this OCD can not be self dagnosed. The residual splatter may accumulate on "sensitive" bystanders to a thickness that is no longer bearable by said bystander. Inteeligent editors of UD have a propensity to recognize this splattering and shield others from it. This person afflicted with witareah will have no real fans because we all know what happens when it hits it. Leaving their mark in more places than mr. hankee (the christmas poo), it is easy to track down the incontinent one and advise him/her of their condition. Be prepared to have some kind of self absorbed ego massaging rhetoric sprayed in your direction. The source of brownie points
He accidently shit on everyone he knows !! It's gotta be a case of witareah.
by TERRYZZ February 23, 2009
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Once a bigoted form of the preferential accumulation of funds used to soothe, yet subversively patronize a minority (and shrinking) voice in U.S sociodemographics.
I went to the grocery store and the cracker isle was crowded with N.A.A.C.P. philanthropists. The "Cracker Barrel" was being picketed by N.A.A.C.P. constituents.
by TERRYZZ February 15, 2009
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Actually a grueling auto sport that has a tremendous following of fans in the U.S.A.. Recently involving a shift of sponsorship availability that reflects the current economic mindset of corporate "thinktanks" and the American "public".; Doom and gloom,with but a few optimistic patriots left, the future of the hetero sport hangs in check. Evolved from "politically incorrect" sponsorship from beer and cigarette manufacturers,to cell-phone and insurance giants. Next step ; The Playtex Cup, or The GentleGlide Cup. MANUP !
"Maybe if they had some steroid busts,or teenager rape accusations, NASCAR could compete with" AMERICAN IDLE".
by TERRYZZ February 15, 2009
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