90 definitions by Oz

"Rarrgh i wouldn't ming raggzin that biatch 2nite"
by Oz August 8, 2003
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Idealist politcal concept with not a hope in hell of ever working.
So, now we're all equal we'd better start... oh shit, we can't make any decisions because our philiosophy is fundamentally flawed!
by Oz July 15, 2003
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Amazing, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, exciting, hair-raising, heart-stirring, impressive, magnificent, moving, overwhelming, spine-tingling, stunning, thrilling speed machine.
Maaan! Why you be messin' yaw pants?

'Cause I just been in tha passenger seat of one of dem Supras.
by Oz March 10, 2003
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"I am you're singing telagram! (pow)"
by Oz January 28, 2005
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I saw it, I hated it. 90% of the movie is just beatings and Jesus walking his cross to its resting point. What a waste of time.
(Mel Gibson thinking) Hmm, if i make a really bloody movie, starring Jesus, everyone will go see it MUWHAHAHAHA!
by Oz March 24, 2005
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He looks like Bozo but 100 lbs more fat. If Ozzy didn't do drugs long ago, I'm sure Jack would be an orphan.
Damn, jack osbourne got a squeeky voice and he's like 18!
by Oz January 18, 2005
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Misrepresenting yourself, in regards to what you have or how you feel.
Ellen from Walnut Creek is a cool girl but she stays fronting.
by Oz November 26, 2002
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