90 definitions by Oz

A reply generally given by bentnose boys to the law-abiding consumer to convince them goods are legit. Now often used sarcastically to refer to stolen goods.
Lula Mae: This TV is very affordable. It's not stolen is it?
Vinny the Mafioso: Nah, it fell off the back of a truck
by Oz November 8, 2003
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When all other words fail or no other words will work, just yell ahhhh and you will be saved.
Billy: (kiss's John)
John: ....AHHHH
by Oz March 23, 2005
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1. Just bull shitting around with words and saying crap you dont really mean.

2. Insulting someone.
1. Jeff: Man ima marry queen elizabeth, she's a milf!
Ted: Quit talkin shit man.

2. Jeff: Ted you suck so much that David Oreck is having a tough time outmatching you!
Ted: Fuck you bitch.
by Oz February 28, 2005
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Hangover or other ill physical and psychological after effects as a result of a drug leaving your system and your body craving more. Specifically , this term refers to amphetamines, though it's often used to refer to other drugs as well.
The crash from the speed was so bad I couldn't move from the corner I was crying in for 3 hours, until I found my fifth of jim beam.
by Oz July 9, 2003
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One bootylicious, sexified mutha canucka.
I fucked Torrie Wilson yesterday. She was no Kaneanite.
by Oz November 21, 2003
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One of the best fast food restraunts out there. An actual clean restraunt other than hardees or mcdonalds. They make quality food.
Im gonna get me a chicken fajita pita from jack in the box.
by Oz April 20, 2005
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People who like to be in animal outfits better than not. Some of them like to have sex and do other sexual like things while being costumed up.
Bob: nayyyyyyyyy
Jenny: meowwwwwwww
by Oz May 20, 2005
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