90 definitions by Oz

Former SNL star, funny movie maker/actor. Usually known for stupid comedies but nevertheless... very hilarious movies.
Dude, happy gilmore owned but mr. deeds kinda sucked, but hey, 50 first dates owned and so did billy madison, big daddy, little knicky, punch drunk love, the waterboy and the wedding singer!
by Oz January 4, 2005
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They will break up,because they dont have enough in common
by Oz August 19, 2003
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A korean car company. I don't care much for them cept that tiburon is a mighty fine looking car.
by Oz May 18, 2005
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A new gaming console coming soon from microsoft. It resembles a pc.
I saw the 30 minute preview about xbox 360 on mtv and it showed me how rich bill gates is to have paid 100 celebs to stand around and act like they all like xbox.
by Oz May 14, 2005
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A person that is caucasian most likely or albino... or just doesnt get out enough to get a tan. Usually american or British. Not too easy to be racist against caucasians. Words such as honky and cracka just arent insulting!
White people are immune to insult, well kinda.
by Oz January 18, 2005
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A drink made solely from bodily fluids - semen, urine, crap etc.
by Oz March 17, 2003
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