A person that doesnt take shit from immature little keyboard warriors.
by Anonymous March 6, 2003
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1. noun (derog)

a whiny ingrate, especially one who expects their lover to fix all their problems though they were of their own making

2. intransitive verb (slang), gavved, gavving
to behave in the manner of a gav - often used with a preposition - gav out, gav up
1. He turned up unexpectedly to dinner so they cooked him a special meal because of his allergies, and he reserved his compliments for the wine he'd brought. What a gav.

2. She seemed alright at first but after they'd been dating a few weeks she totally gavved out.

3. I checked repeatedly if he was sure he wanted to come because I'd been planning the trip with my friends for weeks and I was worried he might gav it up. He assured me he was keen even though it wasn't his usual scene and then he spent the entire time complaining and moping around.
by CreamDream January 23, 2011
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To send a highly innapropriate email to a far broader reaching audience than intended.
To "Do the Gav" would be like accidentally sending hardcore porn to your Mum, Dad, aunty and children.
by AaronTodd July 18, 2006
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"Hey up, when's tut GAV going tut come out tut closet"
by scampy the dog January 2, 2011
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drift warrior who earned status by talking not drifting
i smashed some cunt at city west then drifted all the way to qld to run from the cops
by j March 6, 2003
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The short, pushy member of a townie or Kev gang. usually found at the front of a group of four Kevs mouthing off safe in the knowledge that, should push come to shove (and indeed kick) Kev, Darren and Tone will actually perform the requisite violence.
"leave it Gav, It ain't worff it"
by clayton July 23, 2003
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Large man who likes to stick his penis in larger women
Gav, the man who went out with rhianne.
by Boobies March 13, 2003
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