4 definitions by AaronTodd

A woman that has some quality action going on in her chestal area. ie Has wicked boobs.
by AaronTodd July 26, 2006
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Pussy that has gone sour through not being pounded. Without use the enzymes inside the vagina being mixed up by a good pounding the vagina will go off and cause a general souring of the pussy and surrounding tissue (woman).

Women most at risk : Rich, old, birds.
Sour Pussy Sufferer : The service was sub-par and the food here is atrocious, no one will ever eat at your restaurant… oh my, oh dear.

Restauranteur : I’m sorry your husband is off with some twenty year old. Nuff said. <Insert high five with nearest 20 something year old male>.
by AaronTodd July 27, 2006
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When something is truly and really fucked. Worse than fucked.

Commonly referred to as the "Double Fuck"
Mother fucking fuck, that shit is fucken fucked.

John : Yey I left my winning lotto ticket on the bench.
Rob : Dude I just cleaned the bench into teh fire.
John : Man you are so fucken fucked now!!

by AaronTodd July 25, 2006
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To send a highly innapropriate email to a far broader reaching audience than intended.
To "Do the Gav" would be like accidentally sending hardcore porn to your Mum, Dad, aunty and children.
by AaronTodd July 18, 2006
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