127 definitions by westfalia

A popular way to say England so it flows better, especially in a rap.
Duder 1: "Here's the beat doggy, have fun."

Duder 2: "In Angland I met some bloak, muthafucka liked to sniff the coke."

Duder 1: "Nice one dude, that's the shit."
by westfalia January 29, 2010
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When a person says or does something jokingly only to find out it's actually true or currently happening. Most joke reality checks are 'what if' situations.
Duder 1: "Oh my god dude look out the window at that red car. Looks like my ex's huh? What if it was? That would be so weird. She doesn't even know where I live."

Duder 2: "Holy shit dude isn't that her brother getting out of the car? That is her dude."

Duder 1: "Fuck! Are you kidding? I hope she didn't see me or my car outside."

Duder 2: "Ha ha that's funny shit. Talk about a joke reality check."
by westfalia January 13, 2010
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A person that bombards you with text messages before you can even respond.
Chica's Phone: Hey girl, thinkin bout you

Chica's Phone: What you doing?

Chica's Phone: I been wantin you all day

Chica's Friend: "Damn your phone is blowin' up!"

Chica: "Yea this guy is being a text terrorist. I haven't even had a chance to respond yet."
by westfalia April 23, 2010
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A photograph in which one person looks like shit and therefore brings down the overall quality and potential of the memory.
Duder 1: "Whoa dude your girl is looking hot in this club pic. Why come your ass is all sweaty and looking like doo doo?"

Duder 2: "I know! Fuck! It had so much potential."

Duder 1: "Way to go you pic ruiner."
by westfalia February 9, 2010
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A phrase yelled at the top of one person's lungs to let everybody know that they have been through tough times.
Duder 1: "So tell me this doggy. Why the hell don't you take your pain meds instead of selling them shits on the street? Isn't your neck fucked up from the car accident?"

Duder 2: "Dude I need the money! I've been through so much shit lately. You don't know where my life has been!"
by westfalia February 9, 2010
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A move where one person is singing, but gets interrupted by another person hitting them over the head with something.
Duder: "Thanks for inviting me over for dinner. I've never known an Italian guy before. Can you sing me a song?"

Italian: "When-a the moon-a hits-a your eye, like a big-a" (smack!) "owww!!!"

Italian's Mom: "You shut up-a you!"

Italian: "Damn mom you hit over the head with a book! What the hell was that for?"

Duder: "Whoa dude! I've never seen a funnier sing-n-smack in my entire life."
by westfalia January 12, 2010
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A formula that helps white people translate African-American slang.
Black Duder: "Yo dogg I speak da truf! I saw that trick at da club last night."

White Duder 1: "What is he talking about friend? Is he referring to my girlfriend?"

White Duder 2: "Yea dude, when you talk to gangsters like that remember that th=f. He said he is not lying to you and that he saw your girl at the local night club last night."
by westfalia January 28, 2010
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