127 definitions by westfalia

An invitation to an event that ends up being a hoax. The most common trick invite involves a new foreign kid being summoned to meet up after school only to find himself all alone.
Duder 1: "Yo Italian dude! Soccer today?"

Italian Kid: "Oh yes-a, of-a course! I be there!"

Duder 2: "Ha ha you're such a dick dude. That was a trick invite wasn't it?"

Duder 1: "Fuck yea. He's been falling for it for the past 4 weeks!"
by westfalia January 11, 2010
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A friend or acquaintance that works inside a big corporation and is willing to give you sensitive information.
Duder 1: "Oh snap! You can look up the CEO's email? What is it?"

Duder 2: "Let me check.......ok got it. It's bill.lumbergh@initech.com."

Duder 1: "Sweet! I'm gonna go sign him up for some penis enhancements and post that shit on FaceBook. Thanks for being my corporate insider."
by westfalia January 28, 2010
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A nomination for the hottest MILF ever seen.
Boy 1: "Wow dude your mom is so hot! Look at that ass."

Boy 2: "Yes, seriously dude. She's my mom nom of the millenium."

Boy 3: "Fuck you guys, that's my mom."
by westfalia December 15, 2009
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When only half of your body gets tanned in a tanning bed because you forgot to close the lid.
Duder 1: "Hey doggy, what did you do this weekend?"

Duder 2: "Ah went tanning playboi. My back got f*cked up burnt."

Duder 1: "What? Did you forget to close the lid or something you half-tan ass?"

Duder 2: "You're supposed to close the lid?"
by westfalia May 7, 2011
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A move in which Wayne Brady comes by (out of nowhere) and steals your sandwich from you. If you have left your sandwich uneaten or unattended for more than 2 hours your risk for a brady snatching is very high.
Duder 1: "Is my sandwich ok you think? It's been sitting out for 8 hours."

Duder 2: "You better eat that soon dude, otherwise it'll be brady snatched."

Wayne Brady: "Oh snap! A sandwich! Gimme your damn sandwich kid! I'm Wayne Brady bitch"
by westfalia January 21, 2010
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An alternate, more kid-friendly term for diarrhea.
Kid: "Uh oh mommy I gotta go poo! I think it's wet."

Mom: "Oh! Do you have rhea?"

Kid: "Yeah..."
by westfalia December 13, 2009
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A term used when something predicted by Dave Chappelle or joked about on Chappelle's Show comes true.
Duder 1: "Yo man I can't believe this Tiger Woods shit. Chappelle called it for real son!"

Duder 2: "I know dude! He's lost his endorsements, only dates white women and acts like he's 100% black. Just like in that racial draft skit."

Duder 1: "He probably saw that on t.v. and started cheatin' the next day."
by westfalia February 17, 2010
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