141 definitions by rich

Qualm is derived from the lynd cross and is commonly used as a term to say lets do it, lets sort it out, basically just lets get on it.the word can be used in many forms either when discussing buying something, organising a night out, something sexual, etc.
For example, lets go to the pub- lets QUALM the pub OR when inviting a lady friend back it is used in this sense- lets qualm it back to mine (please note this works 9 times out of 10)
by rich November 19, 2004
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a female, or gay male, who performs oral sex very often
Leah is such a spoony, she already sucked off me, Lou, Mike and Drew. And now shes going after Sue
by rich April 13, 2003
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I'll shoot jizzle from ma pizzle in your snizzle fo shizzle

I will shoot hot cum in your face you hot bitch, for sure
by rich August 21, 2003
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n. someone who flaunts cigarettes.
"Jackie, check out that hipster's cigarettes!"
by rich December 8, 2004
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talk about rims and money in every song. bling bling. wtf does that mean.
by rich December 2, 2003
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The ammount of light which passes between a womans legs when standing with her legs together.
She's got high milage, look at the wattage, it's blinding.
by rich August 25, 2003
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For all you normal people that don't want to know all this shit about marijuana, a 420 is a type of two-person club sailboat.
dude! lets go rock that 420 and win1
by rich March 28, 2005
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