141 definitions by rich

A legal slave house which teachers are the biggest assholes in the world some of the students are the biggest fags or dickheads around. AC is turned on in the winter and heat is on in the summer, also school isnt closed even in the worst winter conditions. And to make your life worse they give out homework to get revenge because when they were our age they had no social life at all. See Unatego
Unatego High School is a perfect exapmle of this
by rich December 15, 2003
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thing-e-majuig or whatchayacallit
John: wheres my doobridang?
Rich: WTF?
by rich December 5, 2004
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When a girl is wearing tight pants, underwear, and you see the formation of the outer labia of the women clearly thrugh the clothing article.
Or you see the "bitches lips" got it?
Think of a wet bikini on a females lower area. It should leave no room for your imagination.
by rich May 1, 2003
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A cock which is dangerous to play with - hence Jumanji - a dangerous game to play
"I've got a Jumanji cock, dare you play?"
by rich March 19, 2003
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an uncommonly used expression referring to an object or subject of little to no worth; also a bubbly substitute for crap or shit. Origen- the Davemiester, Malden MASS
"The song we sang about Dave is such a piece of frub."
by rich February 24, 2005
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n. a person with more than one unit of currency.
"That's the most colourful freezie folly I've ever seen!"
by rich December 8, 2004
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One who performs a fruitless task - you can weave yoghurt all day long and will be left with the same yoghurt you started with.
Council offices are full of 'yoghurt weavers' including Community Relations Officers, Best Value Officers and Smoking Cessation Officers
by rich November 19, 2003
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