49 definitions by jamesbrown

One who smells farts and rates them. I met one such chap on a european holiday, Neil From NZ. Strange guy, anyone who farted he felt like he had to tell you how bad/good it was, i scored a 10/10! see Fartograhpy
Neil, weirdo but nice guy rated farts.
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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One who refuses to pay the going rate, someone who accepts your offers of drinks or whatever and does'nt repay the favour.
That guy is such a tightarse, drank my piss all night then would'nt let me have one of his durries
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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Australian for cheap rubber footwear, known as flip flopsor jandles in New zealand, dunno what yanks call them.
I laugh when yanks get confused by the sign in aussie pubs that say "no thongs" at the door.
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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Evacuating the lower bowell, squeezing out a darkie, doing a poo!!
Wait a minute, i just have to drop the kids at the pool then we can go out.
by jamesbrown April 21, 2003
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UK, Australia, NZ. Fanny= pussy
Silly yanks, fanny= bum
They do seem to have a lot arse about. Even funnier when a girl says "i'll stick that in my fanny pack" which does make for a lot of shocked faces.
I piss myself laughing when that show "the nanny" comes on, at the start the song goes that she got kicked out and landed on her "fanny", ouch, how unfortunate.
by jamesbrown April 23, 2003
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beer Bavarian, three types i know of, pale, dark and mango-weisen.
The franziskaner is a fantastic wheat beer, comes in sizes of 1.ltr 500 mls or if you are a softcock 300ml. Its strong and its tasty, have two litres of this stuff and a honey scnapps and you'll be dancing like the wiggles in no time! I cant get enough of it, but its expensive so i only have it every six weeks or so. see also XXXX, VB, Tooheys, they arent as good but worth a read!
One litre of Franziskaner pale please!
by jamesbrown April 23, 2003
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Large ego not counterbalanced by lack of talent. Possible ex-lover (s) of Fred durst.
Man, when that guy from creed walked in the room his huge head took up all the space, i wish he would just go back to living at fred durst's.
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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