64 definitions by dw8177

Everyone is familiar with the story of Casey Jones who up at bat because of his massive ego deliberately let two strikes get by him before he (presumably) would made a home run, but he didn't. He struck out on the last one.

"Pulling a Casey" in this case is used as an action of swindling. It simply means to deliberately flounder, mess up, or make deliberate mistakes in the beginning of a game to encourage competitors and gamblers into thinking they have an easy win.

When in fact their opponent is quite skilled in the area of interest and is waiting for real money to arrive before they show off their incredible and stunning skill at the cost of everyone involved.

It's appropriate in settings of gambling like playing pool or even the shell game.

In the shell game the dealer pulls a Casey with the new players by letting them win a couple of bucks by finding the pea easily enough under the shell.

But the dealer knows full well they're going to bet more and try to win more - and that's when the swindle comes in. Once they have won their confidence on how "easy" the game is.

Pulling a Casey in a game of table pool for instance can show a pool-shark deliberately make bad moves like miss sinking balls and even scratching the cue to encourage bets.

And then after a few bad shots once there is real money involved - that's when the shark plays for keeps and takes the competitors and bets for all they are worth, hustling them for all their money.
"Did you see that ? I've already won $5 from Justin in blackjack ! I'm upping my bet !"
"Watch out, dude, he could just be pulling a Casey on you."
by dw8177 November 17, 2020
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An unvax is any individual who has voluntarily decided not to get a Covid shot. It is short for, "Unvaccinated."
"Margie said she's going to have a weekend party with a lot of friends from college, are you going ?"
"Probably not. There might be a be a lot of unvax there. Can't risk it."
by dw8177 August 24, 2021
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Scammy means anything that is and/or related to a scam. It can be an Internet site or any other written material or media that promises something for free yet later lies about it and 'requires' items such as money, ID, or personal information.

And even if you did give out those items, like money or ID or clicking on ads signing up for items because it says you 'must complete one online purchase' before you can start your download.

In the end, you still are not given what you were promised. That site or service is then scammy.
Jack: "Dude, I just found this awesome site where I can download movies. for free."
Jill: "I know the one you are talking about, but it's scammy. They ask for your credit card to 'verify you are an adult' when you try a download."
by dw8177 August 20, 2016
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A "Joy Toilet" is a person who sucks the joy out of absolutely anything and everything around them. A bit like a black hole with light really.

It was worded and defined in Dav Pilkey's Netflix Series, "Captain Underpants." in the episode labeled, "The Vexing Villainy Of The Vile Vimpire."
"Laugh this off, Joy Toilet !" as George Beard pointed a Blisskrieg 2000 at the "Vimpire," which was earlier loaded with videos of people being hit in the face with loaves of bread - deemed funny enough to return the Vimpire back to normal student Jessica.
by dw8177 March 30, 2019
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A Gleep is the name for a person who basically doesn't want to do things the "easy" way. They are feisty and giving trouble. They don't knuckle under pressure nor give in to paying a "protection" fee for either themselves or their business and go so far as to "spit in someone's eye" to show they won't be bullied by gang members.

Because of this, they aren't long for this world and are often killed by someone in that gang, usually to leave a message to the other merchants, "pay or else ..."
Dialogue from Twilight Zone, "Nervous Man In A Four Dollar Room."

"So tomorrow morning, they find the old gleep sprawled across his bar. And then all the rest of them swing in line."
by dw8177 April 30, 2018
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An expletive similar to wow or ouch, in this case it refers to feeling faint because of a famous and highly admired person being in their presence.
"Gleeps, it's Batman !"
(as spoken in the pilot episode, "Hi Diddle Riddle" from the 1966 series Batman).
by dw8177 December 15, 2016
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DMAIL is an attempt at creating Email that is deleted upon reading. It is being provided by Google Inc and once an Email has been read, a 2nd attempt to access or read it returns:

“this message has been destroyed and is no longer available.”

DMails are encrypted using a standard 256-bit encryption algorithm. When a user sends a DMail, the body of that email is encrypted locally on the user’s machine.

An encrypted copy of that email is sent to a datastore controlled by DMail. The recipient of the email is sent both the location of that datastore, as well as a key to view the decrypted message.
"I received a DMail from my Father-In-Law. He had a phone number in it and wanted me to call him the moment I got it."
by dw8177 June 25, 2020
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