64 definitions by dw8177

This is a play on two words. "Muck" and "Makeover." A makeover where everything is slathered on in a great rush.

Basically it is a makeover, but done in such a tremendous hurry or with little regard to finesse because of limited time where the one being made over may not be at all appealing to most, but is just fine for someone desperate for a date or will take anyone of the opposite sex as they are.
"Janice, Horchester is going to be here in an hour for the dance !"
"Oh my god, I look awful, what will I do ?"
"Don't worry, we'll give you a muckover. You'll be fine."
by dw8177 April 9, 2018
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When you are in chat or some other messaging system that won't let you edit your input. You are typing on the keyboard going back and forth between two people and accidentally type a message or reply to the wrong person, blurting out. Usually it is insulting or it thoroughly confuses them.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Did you just keyblurt ?
by dw8177 July 8, 2016
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A Gongler is someone who removes an entertainer from the stage when they do something that is supposed to be entertaining but turns out - it is not.

A good example of a Gongler would be the clown, "Sandman" from "Live At The Apollo."

He would show up during a bad act, get the performer off the stage, and do a bit of a dance himself to entertain the audience as the next act is prepared.
"Did you see that show last night about the man with his trained snails ?"

"Dude, that was so bad. The Gongler came out and swept him off with his broom."
by dw8177 February 12, 2018
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A shoutburst is a shout and an outburst combined. It generally means someone who is acting so immature and is shouting so incredibly loud that absolutely everyone around can see and hear them. A total meltdown. It is not a short angry burst but a long and loud one with a lot of whining and screaming. It really brings a lot of negative attention to the person who is doing it.
"Did you hear about Stacy the other day when Kathy took her lipgloss ?"
"Boy did I ! She had a full 30-minute shoutburst ! People flocked all around to watch and record it on their phones."
by dw8177 July 25, 2020
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A Bunnybrick is a non-complimentary term you give someone who is massive, muscular, and appears threatening in every way - except that in real life they are actually quite timid, self-conscious, and sometimes act childish. Usually they are hired by other gangsters because they are easy to manipulate, can do strong jobs, and work for little pay or return.
"Are we still on for that bank job tomorrow evening ?"
"Yeah. Mac, our local bunnybrick will take care of the guards."
by dw8177 June 19, 2017
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This is a combination of words, two of them, dangerous and angry. It could be used to represent someone that is enraged to the point of throwing items at someone, destroying property, or doing something equally dangerous to prove their point of absolute and total fury.
"I heard you finally found out about Justin dating your girl."
"Dude, I confronted him on it ! I was so dangry that he totally backed down !"
"Are you okay now ?"
by dw8177 November 21, 2020
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Abbreviation in chat for Not On Your Life.
You would think that I cared about her ? NOYL ! She is such a drama queen and drags anyone down under that gets next to her.
by dw8177 September 9, 2016
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