1011 definitions by QuacksO

What your undertaker-beau sorrowfully tells you when he is obliged to decline your request for a "moonlight stroll" because he has an urgent job in the burial-cellar of the monastery that will likely keep him busy till well past midnight. A really "heavy" statement that totally "weighs you down" emotionally, but what are ya gonna do?
My main squeeze unexpectedly hadda assist da local priest in giving last rights to a recently-deceased fellow member of the clergy in the church basement this evening, and so he was obliged to sadly shake his head and tearfully tell me, "cryptonight". He did manage to get done with said job a bit earlier than he'd expected, though, and so he was eventually able to race home and change and then come and pick me up, after all; due to the late hour, we couldn't have a full-length date like we normally would, of course, but at least we still got to stretch out on the quiet wharf for half an hour, savoring the soft lapping of the waves on the pilings, and gazing up at all da friendly twinkling stars.
by QuacksO November 18, 2018
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Da branch of science concerned wif da nature, effects, and detection of unwise and/or hostile verbal communication.
Riverdale High School chef Miss Beazley quit in a frenzied paroxysm of huffy indignation at Mr. Patton Howitzer's blatant verbal abuse towards her regarding her revolting/sub-standard cooking; she should recommend dat he have a talksicology study performed on him.
by QuacksO June 20, 2021
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What a practicer of voodoo claims after leaving said creepy lifestyle behind and moving far away north near da Canadian border.
Maybe it is indeed true dat all my hexes live in Texas, but I still hafta use six-sided wrenches to adjust/install/remove ordinary bolts and nuts.
by QuacksO June 27, 2023
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Refers to where you get so incredibly horny dat you sneak into a farmer's field and hump all of da watermelons or pumpkins.
Besides describing da act of drenching a produce-farmer's ripening ground-fruits in jizz, da term "cropulation" can also work well for referring to your partaking of a delightful "roll in da hay" wif da farmer's daughter (who most likely had gotten super-wet between her OWN legs after catching you making out wif da eggplants, and had therefore invited you to instead "partake of da real thing" wif her), since you'd be utilizing some of da also-harvested-from-a-field aromatic feed-bales both as padding on da barn-loft's floor and as concealment of your sordid-but-sumptuous bouncy-bouncy wif said straw-hat-and-overalls-clad damsel.
by QuacksO February 9, 2023
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Crazed antics caused by having irritated reddened skin.
As much misery as adolescents often suffer with acne, it's little wonder than so many of them exhibit such irrashional behavior a lot of the time.
by QuacksO November 23, 2019
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Everyone's favorite furry green Christmas --- oops, I mean, WINTER HOLIDAY --- party-crasher was a real "Wholigan" until he learned da true meaning of Chris--- oops, there I go again, being politically-incorrect for modern times!
by QuacksO May 29, 2022
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Da "hanged if you do and hanged if you don't" fact-of-life irony regarding how a sizeable sector of da female populous treats any dude who shows interest in them romantically --- i.e., if a guy gets da idea from a gal's attitude/behavior towards him dat he should just mind his own business and not court her, she'll bawl and blubber dat he is making her feel ignored and unvalued. Yet if he then hastily begins persuing her in da naive belief dat this is what she wants, she'll go "bawlin' and blubberin" to da COPS and tearfully accuse him of harassing her! Can't win... :P
I always tread super-carefully when approaching a new lady for companionship or intimacy --- seems like Murphy's Law of Attentiveness is often lurking just around da corner to pounce on me and give me undeserved grief!
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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