138 definitions by Metallicajunkie

A pornography movie starring Peter Parker and Mary Jane, there's a lot more being slung in this then just web
When you said we'd be watching Deep Web, I figured we'd be using a computer
by Metallicajunkie October 12, 2018
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A rapper who, until he was shot to death in a robbery, had never even been heard of within mainstream music, another one of those wannabe rappers which jailhouse face tattoos, a dumb hairstyle and a bad habit of mumbling his way through his songs. He of course has his fans, but he's nowhere near the level of guys like Ice Cube, Tupac and Biggie
Guy 1: Hey dude, did you hear? XXXtentacion was killed today!
Guy 2: ...................who the fuck is XXXtentacion?
by Metallicajunkie October 9, 2018
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One of the many famous people who give their own race a bad name
Al Sharpton is a racist asshole
by Metallicajunkie October 4, 2018
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A dance popularized by singer Madonna, which involves waving your hands around in fancy ways. Much like Madonna herself, the dance is also incredibly popular amongst the LBGT community
You call that dancing? Girl, let me show you the Vouge and THEN we'll see what you got
by Metallicajunkie October 3, 2018
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Another way to describe having sex with a woman with huge, bodybuilder style muscles, the "leisure" part refers to the fact the woman will allow you to sex her when she feels like it, knowing full well that her male partner is afraid of getting his ass ripped in half like a phone book if he forces himself upon her
Henry: So Bill, did you and Mary enjoy your round of herculeisure last night?
Bill: Yeah, it was awesome! There's nothing like the feeling of huge femuscles against your naked body
by Metallicajunkie October 1, 2018
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A slang term used for a man's testicles, specifically a man hailing from either Idaho or Ireland
That guy grabbed my ass, so I kicked him in his love spuds, stupid pig!
by Metallicajunkie October 17, 2018
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A term used by parents to tell their children not to drink a lot of fluid before going to bed, so they don't piss themselves in their sleep
Remember Billy, don't drink all that juice before bed, you'll float away if you do
by Metallicajunkie October 4, 2018
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