90 definitions by CurvedMirror

Someone who tries to stop the progression and evolution of the human race by urinating on freedoms, destroying equality, pushing their morals on everyone else, going to war, and polluting.

Antiprogressors tend to like to either reuse old ideas that failed years ago or reuse old ideas that worked a thousand years ago but would never work now.

Antiprogressors also tend to always be at war with something (no matter how ridiculous it is). They are often at war with elicit drugs, petty crime, non-existent terrorists, and the scientists/intellectuals who try to evolve and progress the human race.

Basically, a republican or a conservative
Stephen Harper is an antiprogressor just like George W.

the corporate behemoth is one of society's antiprogressors.
by CurvedMirror July 20, 2008
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Used to describe something that is fake, phony, false, etc.
McDonalds doesn't use real meat in their food, it's like an american election.

by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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Phrase used to describe something that is fake, fraudulent, bogus, inauthentic, phony, etc.
Her tits were so big i swear they are like an american election.

Avril Lavigne is not punk, she is like an american election.
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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One who is strongly offended by obscene, blasphemous, or vulgar language.
Stop being such a fucking profanitarian you vaginal-discharge spewing horse vagina!
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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a very ugly shoe that might have the visual characteristics of mucus.
hand me those there muccusins my boy.

that guy always wears those ugly muccusins.
by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008
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a window application made for prank calling people.....hella fun to use and call people with.
let's shit-talker that bitch.

we used shit-talker to order a pizza and they couldn't tell at all.

we called the taco bell toll free customer service line with shit talker and complained about finding a pubic hair in our burrito.
by CurvedMirror July 11, 2008
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Someone who posts nasty comments about someone they know on Urban Dictionary thinking that it will end up on the site.

Someone who is completely unaware of how unoriginal and lame it is to post negative comments about people they know on Urban Dictionary.
I enjoy editing Urban Dictionary posts but i get frustrated sometimes with the huge amount of lamebrains, twits, and meatheads posting completely useless bullshit. What a waste of my time, their time, and Urban Dictionary's bandwidth.
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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