90 definitions by CurvedMirror

One who is sexually attracted to gods and deities.

That girl reads and fucks the bible so much that she must be omnisexual.

Masturbating to pictures of jesus and moses engaging in sexual activities is an omnisexual act.
by CurvedMirror July 20, 2008
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the action of taking a sound wave or musical vibration and twisting/warping it into something strange and new.
that ultra-phaser pedal really likes to noise pooze your guitar tone.

try noise poozing the vocal track so it sounds fucked.
by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008
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1. when someone is farting they are blowing ass.
2. when something sucks it blows ass.

1. oh shit, cover your noses, i have to blow ass.
2. that fucking blows ass!
by CurvedMirror July 11, 2008
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the year that popular rock music started going down hill.

now we are left with nothing but absolute garbage repeating itself day after day on commercial rock radio.

we now have no choice but to look at the indie scene because rock has become so cliche and formulaic. nobody writes classics anymore. and record company executives don't take risks in signing talented original bands.
popular rock music died in 1998.

1998 is the year that i shut my radio off for good.

thank dog for the internet, or else we would have to go 1998.
by CurvedMirror July 20, 2008
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a regular pair of scissors that can be used for anything.
hey pass me that kike spike i need something to chop up this dope.

my kike spike is very sharp.
by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008
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if i eat cheese i will piss out my asshole because i am lactarded.

if you are a lactard, you can still get dairy from yogurt and goat's milk.
by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008
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A white person (usually suburban) who acts and dresses gangster (black, urban). Usually ends up in jail or getting addicted to crack and has a mental defect that makes him/her like rap music.

Also known as a Wankster
Fucking wiggers, they look like retards and act like retards!
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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