43 definitions by Buttfuckme

The projects, which are infested with cock roaches and are located in south eastern Fort Worth Texas, which house ass bandits, thugs, hoes, sluts, wiggers, alot of pedos and people of the beaner race, and white middle aged drug dealers whom like to lie in the courtyards in ass rape position.
1. Welcome to Primavera Apartments.
by Buttfuckme September 19, 2018
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1. to hump a white boy that either thinks he's a nigga or is a wanna-be hood rat or gangster in a public place, as a sign of Alpha-male dominance. 2. (More Rarely) to hump any male with excessive "street cred" or elevated status in a public place, as a sign of Alpha-male Dominance.
1,2- Excuse me while I hump the swag.
by Buttfuckme August 16, 2017
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1.)-prep. phrase- a polite, and usually deceptive, manner a man has to say that he is busy masturbating to orgasm.

Usually used in the presence of young children and/or parents/grand parents where one doesn't want to use the more obscene terminology, or otherwise wants to fly below the radar.
1. I'll talk to you after I finish Unloading the groceries. 2. I'm going to go unload the groceries.
by Buttfuckme July 23, 2017
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(noun, singular, slang) 1.The Human Buttocks, the anal opening.
That fucking nigger told me to kiss his ass.
by Buttfuckme June 2, 2017
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1. Someone who will try to fuck each and every man, woman , child , and German Sheppard they lay their perverted eyes on; a super mega whore. 2. Someone who wants to fuck various items of cookware including but not limited to a frying pan or Asian wok.
1. I heard John is a pansexual - he was caught having an orgy with a woman, her boyfriend, and the dog last night. 2. Kevin gets an erection every time he enters the kitchen. He must be Pansexual.
by Buttfuckme July 25, 2019
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1. (noun, vulgar) -- A customary dish eaten by Puerto Ricans that uses human shit instead of refried beans, on top of a tortilla chip, and usually toped with onions and garlic to fight back the stench. Said dish is most usually eaten as a sexual act.
1. Hey fag , have you eaten the Puerto Rican Nachos recently, or have you just been sucking ass?
by Buttfuckme December 7, 2017
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n- 1.) When man A inserts his penis, dick, or cock into the rectum or asshole of man B while man B is using a urinal in a public bathroom with 3 or more urinals, usually not to exceed 10 urinals in total.
by Buttfuckme July 23, 2017
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