47 definitions by Benormous

A horribly missed shot with a reasonably sized ball. However, the word itself can be used as a psych out to cause a 'brick'.
Ex1) *Carl shoots water polo ball and missed by 3 feet*
Greg: Nice brick! What are you building, the Great Wall of China?

Ex2) Crowd: Brick! Brick! Brick!
Balla: Gaahhhh! *Air ball*
by Benormous April 25, 2006
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1)An unsevere punishment.

2)A warning.
1) Joe: Are you sure I should steal that car?
Fred: Yea, go for it! If you get caught you'll just get a slap on the wrist.
2)Officer: I'll let you two off with just a slap on the wrist this time for speeding.
by Benormous April 24, 2006
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Post-testicular pain after you think the worst pain has passed.

After being mildly kicked in the balls, you think to yourself, "That wasn't as bad as it could've been!" Then you get hit by an after shock.
John: Ok *cough cough* I'm gonna be OK... wait... oh god...
Frank: What dude?
John: *cough* After shock!
by Benormous April 24, 2006
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Yet another term to described how high you're feeling.
Stoner 1: Dude, I'm so baked... so baked I'm cooked
Stoner 2: I'm hella stoned!
Stoner 3: I'm beyond cooked man! I'm Deep Fried
by Benormous April 14, 2006
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Double titty twister. Preformed on an unsuspecting victim by either leading into by questioning, or by complete surprise attack. Once preformed, prepare for your victims relflexes to kick in, you might get caught in their rage.

***Warning: If preformed several times you might find yourself with few friends.
Jerry: So, Brittany, do you know what jumper cables are?
Brittany: Uhh... no... why?
Jerry: Oh! Well nevermi.... JUMPER CABLES!!!
*Jumper cables are preformed*
Brittany: Fuck you Jerry! You just lost a friend!
by Benormous April 25, 2006
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A hilarious movie featuring Steve Carell as the main character, Andy Stitzer, who is being harassed to get laid.
Eric: Hey man, remember in the 40-year-old virgin when Dave said, "Do you know how I know you're gay?..."
Tom: 'Cause you saw Rent three times.
by Benormous April 17, 2006
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The study of fungi. Diverted from the greek word for fungus, mykes.
Pat: What are you going to study at colledge?
Sam: Mycology.
Pat: What's that?
Sam: Something about mushrooms, I'm gonna try jack some shrooms.
by Benormous April 25, 2006
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