47 definitions by Benormous

To verbally abuse someone so bad they have nothing left to say.
Stan: Dude, what are you doing?
Frank: Cleaning my room, my mom was yelling and I just crumbled to her commands.
Stan: Fuck man, you got told by your mom!
by Benormous April 17, 2006
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Horrible band consisting of a bunch of retards. 60% of the reason they suck
is because they suck dicks on the side to pay rent, the other 40% is that they're Canadian. Not saying all Canadians suck, just the semi-sucessful ones.
Char: Oh my god! Metric rocked!
Ben: No, Metric is gay, besides, I hear they suck live.
by Benormous April 18, 2006
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Extreme sport involving a quite large inner tube, and a pool to jump into. You jump off anything available, pull a crazy arial maneuver, stick it by landing in the pool safely on the tube.
Harold: Holy fuck! Did you see that! I pulled an inverted 180 Sky Scratcher!
Sean: Fuck yeah I saw that! Extreme Tubing rocks!
by Benormous April 23, 2006
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Alex: Dude, I'm having a house party this Saturday.
Brendan: Again, this has got to be your 5th party this year.
Alex: I know, it's cause my parents go out of town so much.
Brendan: Awesome, I wish I had a setup like that.
by Benormous April 23, 2006
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Pussy athletes who waste good pool space on a "so called" sport. Most speed swimmers are untalented geeks.
Speed swimmers warm up by swimming, practice by swimming and compete by swimming.
Speed swimmers may apear to be built but beyond their form lies a weak, puny core.
Waterpolo player 1: Fuck!!! we've got no pool space, fucking speed swimmers use it all up, let's go beat em' up.
Waterpolo player 2: You sure? they look pretty strong.
Waterpolo player 1: Damn man, everybody knows speed swimmers are pussies!
by Benormous September 6, 2005
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An adjective used by Jim Lahey from the show Trailer Park Boys to describe the trouble that is expected to foil the boys plans.
1)Jim: A shit storm's a brewing, Randy, a shit storm's a brewing.
2)Jim: Bubbles, there's gonna be a shit blizzard.
by Benormous April 24, 2006
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A horribly missed shot with a reasonably sized ball. However, the word itself can be used as a psych out to cause a 'brick'.
Ex1) *Carl shoots water polo ball and missed by 3 feet*
Greg: Nice brick! What are you building, the Great Wall of China?

Ex2) Crowd: Brick! Brick! Brick!
Balla: Gaahhhh! *Air ball*
by Benormous April 25, 2006
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