General term for the appearance of a man's pants or jeans, specifically the fit and style (or lack thereof) or the manner in which he wears them. Can refer to either a good fit (intriguing nooks and crannies evident, emphasis on the ass) or a poor fit (pleats, tapered pants, ass-obliterating sagging). May also refer to good pants worn badly (plumber's crack, waistband under armpits). Can be used to describe specific pairs of pants or to a man's entire pants wardrobe or taste in pants.
"He's kind of cute but he really takes bad pantsness to a whole new low."

"Mike's pantsness makes women sad in the pants."

"My boyfriend gives amazing pantsness. He's like a 9.5 on the pantsness scale!"
by rrrrocket October 18, 2007
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1. Having or pertaining to pants.
2. An excessively long way to say "pants".
With all those pairs of jeans, you've got alot of pantsness.
by The Pants Master October 13, 2003
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Having one's pants pulled down
"I got pansted today at school."
by Graham February 11, 2003
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When someone gets their pants pulled down to expose their underwear.
I was in middle school and during lunch when there wasn't any staff members in the cafeteria, someone pantsed me by pulling down my skirt and expose my strawberry shortcake panties.
by WedgiedGirl December 5, 2018
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To yank someone else's pants down. Usually done in a humorous fashion.
Also reffered to as pantsed.
"Dude, did you see when Mark pantsed Tom? That was hilarious!"
"Jack got expelled for pantsing the principal."
by Danae? at the Disco December 12, 2006
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The act or practice of pulling someone's pants down.
The Seniors and I went pantsing today. The Freshmen never had a chance.
by MP February 8, 2005
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What many high school students will do to fellow classmates if they decide to wear sweatpants. It is far to easy to catch the wearer of the sweatpants off-guard and pull their sweats down. Any other form of clothing on the bottom is not to be messed with.....only sweatpants.
Poor girl decided to wear her sweats today; she's probly going to get......oh, and the pantsing begins.
by Whitney J May 23, 2005
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