A hypochondriacal condition resulting from absorbing the health problems discussed on the Dr. Oz show. This condition commonly affects older women with nothing to do but watch too much daytime television.
I have to take my mother to the doctor again. She's got another case of Ozmosis.
by Mr. Squire January 28, 2011
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A gradual, often unconscious process of assimilation or absorption of the Australian language and/or culture by virtue of spending time with Australian blokes (males) or sheilas (females).
Through the process of ozmosis Jean-Pierre was fond of saying "by jingo by crikey!" everytime he was suprised or dumbfounded.
by Raaaabert February 13, 2006
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Something fresh and new......Well produced...Different and catchy
This that Ozmosis turn that shit up....That bass line is Ozmosis...I need some Ozmosis drums on this track...
by MutedDevil June 13, 2021
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