No I do not have to cede the discourse to someone who has a ✌️✊️✌️desirable✌️✊️✌️ outcome so they can sit there and MAKE SOME SHIT UP to make themselves SOUND good (regardless of the truth of their propositions). Get the fuck out of here with that.
A retard "Listen to people who have the outcome, bro"

Hym "Nah, you go fuck yourself with that. You know damn well your ass is just going to lie about anything that makes YOUR SUCCESS (either) look trivial OR as though there are external factors that exist outside of your control that are the direct result of your success. You're SURE AS HELL going to lie if anything makes your wife look like a disreputable slut. Anything that doesn't lend credence to the proposition that your are an extra special guy who's uniquely deserving of your outcome will be dismissed, mocked, or denied. So, no. Fuck you. I don't have to sit there and let a motherfucker lie."
by Hym Iam October 9, 2023
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Rough sex with your daughter... And then Lady Gaga... Obviously...
Hym "That would be the best possible outcome. It's also the best possible come in- Er... You know what I mean. I mean... You hear him? I need to get control of my tongue, guys. Because I can either *InSeRt CaTcHpHrAsE hErE* Beep boop *cough cough* Sorry... Because I can either let my thoughts die or I can die. Whelp... My thoughts can't be created of destroyed and I die either way... So, third option, I'll just take the daughter sex please. And my money. And the credit. And if the daughter sex is good, then, maybe I'll let you come on my podcast so you can reclaim some of your dignity. How does that sound? You know, I didn't think the 'If this is how you act when someone's watching, I'd hate to see you when nobody is around' thing would land that clean. It's funny. That was shocking. But I digress... She's shorter than I thought. I like that. That'll be good for me."
by Hym Iam March 29, 2023
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Hym "MY question is... What would be the outcome of me making a YouTube channel... Clipping together a video of Jordan Peterson describing psychopaths... Paired with clips demonstrating that Jordan Peterson HAS DONE THOSE EXACT THINGS... And then sending the 200,000 people I sent to David's channel to THAT channel...... Ok. It looks like an immediate $4,000 per month... I could be doing that instead of this. That would be the outcome. I'd have to censor myself a little bit but that's ok... Maybe I'll do that at the 9.99 years mark. I said this was my disrespect and laziness speed run so (in the spirit of beating Mr. Beast) I'll do a video just under the amount of time it took for him to blow up."
by Hym Iam August 17, 2023
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Love is the hardest emotion in the universe to control love can make you happy, sad, joyful, depressed, and free. But love can do worse than those words love can make you lose friends love can make you feel you wanna kill yourself love can change you life depressed. These are problems of love love is isn’t just a word it’s all emotions in one.
Me: What is the consequence of love

Zack:there’s to many to many love outcomes
by Love Problems January 1, 2020
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