77 definitions by earpuller

noun; Urban Dictionary editors. It can be pronounced like the word "editors," or with a short "u" sound, like "mud." UDitors are the arbiters of what goes in or stays out of this website. We come from all walks of life and from around the world. Our common bond is a commitment to documenting the changing vocabulary of today's world
The UDitors are trying to publish only worthy bits of slang, while also trying to remove slanderous and hurtful defs that snuck through in the past. Soon no one will have to read what kind of a bad person he or she is.
by earpuller January 16, 2006
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noun: a way to refer to Illinoisans that would offend your grandma if you spelled it out for her. The grandma version of FIB is flat lander.
little timmy: Holy shit, Grandma!! Look at all the God-damned FIBS on the highway today!!
Grandma: timmy!! Where'd you learn to talk like that? Never refer to them as FIBs; it's offensive. Call those bastards "flatlanders."
by earpuller September 21, 2005
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committing an act of such uselessness that it has negative value.
pete: so why did you loan that douchebag $500? he already owes you $2500 for that car he bought from you!
clete: well, he promised if he hit it big at the casino, he'd give me double the money he owes me, so i figured "what the hell?"
pete: it's bad enough you buy this guy's bull shit, but ignoring his past is like giving a flashlight to a blind man. next time, just burn your spare cash.
by earpuller November 18, 2010
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the practice of preventing another driver from changing lanes. specifically, when a driver wants to change lanes while through-travelling, but finds himself stuck behind slower traffic, he may wish to pass the other vehicle. a lane blocker, however, will find a way to keep the passing driver stuck in postition, making it impossible for the passing driver to get around safely. usually this is a passive action, as opposed to on-ramp blocking or offramp blocking; often the offending driver is unaware of the faster car wanting to go past (often because the offender is talking on a cell phone.)
eric: come on man, just pass this truck! we're going to be late for the concert!
derrick: i can't pass him! the damned avalon in front of us is lane blocking me!
eric: flash your high-beams to get his attention!
derrick: i tried, but he's talking on his cell phone! must be more important than driving safely.
eric: what a dumbass bastard}!
by earpuller July 2, 2006
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an acronym for the standard employee pool-
We're All Lazy Motherfuckers And Retired Truckers
We're All, Like, Minorities, Asians, Redneck Trash
Where A Luckless Moron Acquires Revolting Things
(maybe that's one def too many.)
.........rising from the site of the abandoned chemical plant, near the creek that has no life in it, a brand-spanking-new Walmart is soon to open in your area. Doesn't matter where you live, anywhere in the world-if Dubya doesn't get you, or his replacement (Dan Quayle, anyone?), Walmart will be there soon. Run away, but you will never escape................WALMART!!!!!!
by earpuller September 18, 2005
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similar to naughty little rhymes (if this wasn't published, just follow along,) naughty haiku uses the classic japanese poem structure combined with good old American sex-obsession to create a new art form. The form of a haiku is always as follows-
first line=five syllables
second line=seven syllables
third line=five syllables
-so now just add some semi-pornographic, naughty, or just silly ideas, and voila! naughty haiku!
here some examples of naughty haiku-

her bosom heaving,
jiggling, as she runs away
from me, down the road.

sometimes i stare out
from my window, watching her
as she trims her bush.

gee, i didn't know
she was only fifteen, sir.
off to jail with me.

the couple wriggled
and writhed, moaning in passion;
then the tape ran out.
by earpuller July 16, 2006
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from the "Late Night with Conan O'Brian" show. Standard insult given by Triumph, The Insult Comic Dog. Used at the end of a sentence to change a comment/statement/compliment into an insult or put-down. Notice the context of the sentence examples to see how to use it (or decline to use it.)
good time to use it: Oh yes, I just bought your new CD, Ashlee, and it is the greatest thing in the world.....FOR ME TO POOP ON!
bad time to use it: Mom, can you make some Rice Krispies treats......FOR ME TO POOP ON? *gets smacked by Mom, then Dad, then by the rest of the family*
by earpuller October 11, 2005
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