32 definitions by cunninglinguist

A lazy, slothful condition in the mind leading to an affliction of the body, whereas one's healthy body weight is doubled or tripled emmanating a disgusting view of blubber that has become akin to all "land whale's". In a perfect world, stretch pants would be unlawful for these bulbous monstrosities.......
"Your momma's so fat, she's turning white" and "she's so fat she uses a blanket for a wash cloth" or "your so fat you got moons orbitting around you"
by cunninglinguist September 11, 2005
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1) A pervert who cruises the chat rooms looking for kids to try and seduce into those situations of which crime dramas are made.
2) A person who uses the internet to have cyber intercourse via text or video sharing.
3) You?
1. The chatroom cybervert is back.
2. Exhibitionists are such cyberverts.
3. Well?
by cunninglinguist April 26, 2005
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1) On a whole chicken frier, it is the flap of fat that covers the ass of the chicken.
As kids we use to fight over who got the wilky button.
by cunninglinguist April 27, 2005
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-Verb- To Move along the vertical axis, up and down continuosly, as a fishing "bobber" or cork would move on the tops of waves.
While on the beach, Peter was amazed at how Roberta could bob as she rode wave after wave on her raft.
by cunninglinguist January 23, 2005
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