3 definitions by artfulbadger

1. Fonejacker is a 2007 comedy series for E4. The show revolves around prank calls carried out by Kayvan Novak, under a guise of one of several ridiculous characters, such as Mr. Doovdé, a man who pronounces abbreviations; Terry Tibbs, a used car salesman who conducts dodgy business over the phone; or George Agdgdgwngo, an African-based scamster. All calls featured in the show are real. The show began as a pilot for Channel 4 on their 'Comedy Lab' series.

2. Fonejacker (or The Fonejacker) is also the name of the prank caller, who is seen wearing a red bobble hat-come-balaclava, sunglasses, and large green coat. He is often pictured using a large early-model mobile phone, or atop a building (revealed to be Guy's Hospital, in London) using a USA payphone.
Fonejacker (as Terry Tibbs) - Wooden ladders - Talk to me!

Fonejacker (as George Agdgdgwngo) - Basically, we have discovered a pigeon inside the bank vault, sir.

Fonejacker (as Mr. Miggins) - LEICESTER SQUARE!
by artfulbadger September 1, 2007
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Doovdé (sometimes pronounced 'doovd') is the erroneous pronounciation of the abbreviation DVD, which stands for Digital Versatile Disc" or "Digital Video Disc". The word "Doovdé" was invented by voice actor and comidian Kayvan Novak for use by his "Fonejacker" character, "Mr. Doovdé."

Mr. Doovdé is known to 'pronounce' abbriviations such as DFS (duhfs) and DVLA (doovla.)
Mr. Doovdé - Hello, yes. I wanted to check some prices for your Doovdé.

Electronics Shop Worker - For our, sorry, for what?

Mr. Doovdé - Doovdé.

Electronics Shop Worker - What's that?

Mr. Doovdé - Doovdé player.

Electronics Shop Worker - DVD player?

Mr. Doovdé - Doovdé.
by artfulbadger September 1, 2007
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The 'G-Crips' were invented by the guy who wrote the definition above this, when he was either bored or stoned.

There really is no such thing... just think about it for a second, for fucks sake!
1. Woah, I just smoked so much weed! Can you imagine if there was such a thing as G-Crips? I'm gonna go add it to the Urban Dictionary!

2. Wow I'm so bored, I'm gonna invent a gang called G-Crips and add it to Urban Dictionary.

3. Woah, I'm so full of shit - 'G-Crips'!!!!!!!
by artfulbadger July 21, 2007
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