19 definitions by Sebastian

see also Melanie B

The hottest of the Spice Girls. She was the black one with the sexy voice and penchant for leopard skin.

Had a number one single "I Want You Back" featuring Missy Elliott. Also two other top 5 singles "Tell Me" and "Feels So Good". Plus two more top 20 singles "Lullaby and "Word Up".

Also an album "Hot" and a bestselling autobiography "Catch A Fire".

Now an actress.

Can be used to signify sexiness or "token black"-ness.
Man, that girl is Scary Spice! (that girl is attractive)


That guy is so a Scary Spice. (that guy is the token black person)
by Sebastian December 30, 2004
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A clothing store for mostly
metro sexual males and slutty females... usually teens. There store on several occasions has been sued due to racial descrimination. Over priced cheaply made clothing, usually sporting the name of the store in huge bold lettering.
On my birthday my gf gave me a pair of 60 dollar (they had pre-torn holes in them) abercrombie and fitch jeans. Subsiquently I took my pair of brand new levis which cost 20 dollars and tore holes in them myself. Afterward I set the abercrombie jeans a blaze for her to see the disrespect she showed me and dumped her. Dont worry thoe I patched up my levis and turned them into bitchen denim shorts so everything turned out alright in the end.
by Sebastian July 27, 2005
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A dog with a big head from Invader zim that scares everyone away.
*Madness appears and eats egg on floor**Zim and GIR scream and run away.*
by Sebastian May 7, 2004
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thighs that rub together in a fashion that makes binty girate
dawn french sports a pair
by Sebastian February 18, 2004
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Someone who MOST DEFINATLY isnt a townielistens to any form of rock music or simular stuff.One who is a mix between Punk/Skater/Goth/Grunger and maybe slighty hippish :-D
Likes to wear "baggy" tousers,black,eyeliner...and anything they fucking want too.
Can't imagine existance without music.
People who have an urge to kill any Townie they see...COS THEY SUCK !
.Dosnt really give that much of a fuck wat people think..maybe slightly insane.
Seb Grunthker~ "I like anything that townies hate..i love the whole Punk/Skater/Goth/Grunger lifestyle and taste.I dont give a Fuck wat those bastard think...I live how i want too.I love Rock music.... i have no fucking idea wat i am .....i know I'lll make up a new word to describe myself..Yey..KILL A RUDIE!"
by Sebastian July 20, 2004
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