19 definitions by Sebastian

The true definition of douchebag. One that is cheap and easily replaceable. A person that has horrid body odor that needs better hygiene. No one wants this person around..EVER.. They are easily bought with cheap candy and a sorry excuse for a human being. People like to throat punch these people as hard as they can and take out their frustrations on them as if they are their exes or nemesis. This person usually drives large automobiles to compensate for their extremely microscopic..well..you should know the human anatomy..
by Sebastian March 4, 2015
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Someone that looks at the ceiling as if something is important up there.
Stop staring at the ceiling! Dont be a Chico DiVico!!
by Sebastian March 20, 2003
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the state of being grumpy
Emily, quit being so poopy!
by Sebastian February 11, 2005
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A man or women willing to sacrifice themself to help others without the consideration of there own safety.
"Those who face fire without fear or armor.Those who step into the darkness without assurances of ever walking out again, because they know there are others waiting in the dark, Awaiting salvation."
by Sebastian February 21, 2004
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To force yourself to stop by forceing yourself into any near by object(i.e. tree, wall, boulder.) when moveing at high speeds
-OMG Jimmy isn't slowing down going down the hill.
-What do we do?!?!
-I know. Jimmy!!! Listen to me you aren't slowing down, so your gonna have to Sonny Bono it.
by Sebastian April 21, 2004
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Country situated betwen Mexico/El Salvador,a Quetzal(national maney) its 8.oo$ or so, Quetzal too its the national bird,the most important turistic atraction are:TIkal(an acient mayan city),Atitlan(a lake).
How i knoe so much?, I live there...and for the person who posted the last definition:IDIOT!!!
by Sebastian May 8, 2004
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