48 definitions by MadamexXx

1. Someone who has mastered the art of playing Tetris and has their name at the top of the list.
2. Someone, usually a man who knows the arts and positions of the female body like a pro for sexual pleasure.
3. A male or female whose masturbation technique has been perfected by the hand-eye coordination of playing a lot of Tetris.
4. A person who works at a supermarket bagging groceries.
At a twelve step program, I admitted to being a Tetris Pimp up to three times a day while wearing a carpal tunnel brace.
by MadamexXx February 25, 2009
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When you are due a real beat down for some jive turkey move.
An unpleasant surprise.
Karma being a bitch.
A ferocious retaliation.
A promise of good sex.
When my boyfriend asked if we could have a threesome I said: "I have SOMETHING for your ass."
by MadamexXx March 3, 2009
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Anyone you're living with who won't let you sleep, give you privacy, makes too much noise, tries to throw cock blocks when you have someone you're interested in over, borrows your clothes without asking, takes up too much time in the bathroom, has their obnoxious friends over too much and is basically a pain in the ass to live with. These people are usually not right in the head or have a substance abuse issue or is just plain old inconsiderate. Any intolerable child.
My roomate makes too much noise when I'm trying to sleep. She's a domestic terrorist.
Dennise is a domestic terrorist. She tries to wear my sexy underwear and tries to steal my boyfriends.
I won't babysit that loud-ass kid. He's a domestic terrorist.
My husband always has the TV up too loud. He's a domestic terrorist.
I had to break up with Danny because he'd get drunk at night and do a bunch of noisy and obnoxious shit so I couldn't sleep. He is a domestic terrorist.
by MadamexXx February 9, 2009
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When somebody says something really messed up or innappropriate, then flees the scene. You are left feeling horrible and they get away with it because they are not there for you to retaliate.
My uncle has anger management issues. He insulted my son for embarassing him and then left the room before anyone could say anything. It was a real Hit and Run.
This dude I rejected told me my boyfriend was playing me with a sneering look of delight on his face, but then quickly walked away. Only a punk-ass bastard would do The Hit and Run like that.
by MadamexXx February 24, 2009
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He's the man. He's got the wardrobe, the women, the dollas, the best car and everyone looks up to him. He's the type of dude that people want to make movies about. He's a straight gangsta.
Daddy Pimp Juice came up and told that busta he was a jive turkey and the dude was speechless.
I asked my friend who that fine ass man was and she said: "Didn't you know? That's Daddy Pimp Juice."
My kids want to take Daddy Pimp Juice for show and tell.
Daddy Pimp Juice has the best swag in the neighborhood.
by MadamexXx February 9, 2009
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1.(males)When someone goes above and beyond the call of duty to do a cock block. This usually involves a second or third party to really make it extra awkward. This is, in particular just some guy trying to be a prick.
2.(females) Having to be an uber bitch just to get some guy to leave you alone.
Line at the movies. Male and female are dressed up and obviously on a date. Some dickhead is going on and on about how the girl is too pretty for the guy. He proposes to his friend that they kick the guy's ass because he's not good-looking enough for her; Lock, Stock, and Cock Block.
Girl: "Hmm."
Guy: "Can I get that number?"
Girl: "Rape!"
Lock, stock and cock block!

by MadamexXx February 28, 2009
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To hook up with someone from your past you used to mess around with during another phase in your life.
Everytime I think about that dude I shagged ten years ago, I wish we could have a rescrewnion.
by MadamexXx March 3, 2009
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