2 definitions by Improvize

To transform the human body into a sponge that has one purpose: to soak up alcohol, most commonly cheap beer.
Yesterday, after a session of hardcore sponging at the frat, I blacked out and committed a Scarsdale Surprise.
by Improvize June 21, 2011
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Pronounced to rhyme with the ever-so popular "uh-oh", a Bro-Oh is an awful Bro mistake.

The mistake: you tried to be a Bro by raw-dogging a ho, but you fucked up and made made that baby, yo!
Dude, I made a Bro-Oh, can you loan me some bills for an abortion?

Shit, I made a Bro-Oh, and now she wants to keep it and get married...
by Improvize June 21, 2011
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