256 definitions by Ian

Another name for a guy named ianskate. It's more of a slang term to define his name.
I joked around about eenscat the other day. EEN SCAT!
by Ian November 4, 2004
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used in reference to sqeeking when something happens.

used in similarity to old days when they would say "u got some major tubage, dude"
U got some major sqeekage, dude
by Ian February 3, 2005
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a declaration of saying hello or hi or hey
fro! sup?
by Ian April 5, 2003
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Trazen dude See Trazen or dude
Trazen, or some other reference to this awesome guy
by Ian March 8, 2005
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Someone who appears not to have a head at all. Misses all jokes and is beyond blond.
Cedric, you STEM!
by Ian January 21, 2004
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