119 definitions by Guido1

Thomas I. White of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles :

"Like humans, dolphins appear to be self-conscious, unique individuals with distinctive personalities, memories and a sense of self, who are vulnerable to a wide range of physical and emotional pain and harm, and who have the power to reflect upon and choose their actions."
To truly be at the "top" of the animal kingdom; then surely it is incumbent upon us to recognize non-human persons.
by Guido1 February 24, 2010
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Any visual electronic venue where one can be a role playing character or an avatar, or be a quasi-avatar; usually in a video game or in a virtual reality senario.
Dude, school is such a bummer I can't wait to get home and jump into my cyberworld.
by Guido1 October 27, 2009
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Fast-food style health care, as in drive-in window at McDs: Yeah, could I get the extra large Tamiflu special, with the jumbo Vicodan Coke?
Gee, I just went to the Walgreens/McDonalds drive thru, and got my McTriage meal deal.
by Guido1 September 30, 2009
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A name for a person who likes to eat tacos.
Man when it comes to Mexican food, I am the biggest atacolips.
by Guido1 March 7, 2008
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To ad a macho or male gender twist to a concept or action: to garner appeal among men or gender biased groups.
Sarah Palin is the is the mother of all moosify comments.
by Guido1 March 26, 2010
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Originally dating back to the Vietnam War. When one's rotation date (leave the country) was near, one lost focus on still being a soldier, and became a liability instead of an asset. Also, the period of time at the end of the 12th grade, when one has already been accepted into a college or the military, and is just waiting for the Senior Prom and Graduation ceremonies.
I wonder if Simon Cowell is getting short-timer's syndrome on American Idol?
by Guido1 March 11, 2010
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A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. By definition, a monapplely is characterized by an absence of competition - which often results in high prices and/or inferior products.
Damn, I hate AT&T wireless, and my fricking new iPhone 4 doesn't work worth a shit, I'd like to bust up that monapplely.
by Guido1 July 20, 2010
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