119 definitions by Guido1

Factoring in the positive economic benefits of an individual state allowing gay marriages.
Many states are now allowing gay marriages once they realize that not to allow gays to marry is missing out on gay-onomics.
by Guido1 June 4, 2009
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The term spacial orientation is a psycho-physiologic term used to describe conscious movement of the human body within all planes of motion simultaneously. The most difficult of movements would be to be upside down, back wards, and rotating in fluid motion. Such movements are seen in aerial trapeze, stunt aircraft flying, sky diving, and in all of extreme sport events, as skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, Inline Rollerblading, and Motocross. It is not understood how the human mind can control the body in real-time with such precision in 3-D motion. The amount of mathematical computations to achieve such movements of an amorphous mass as the human body in real-time is astronomical.
An extreme sport requires a very high degree of skill in the art of spacial orientation.
by Guido1 March 6, 2008
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New self-coined word used to describe the self proclaimed wisdom of all the present day pseudo-economists. They have 100 bogus reasons for what just happened, and just as many for what didn't happen. Kind of like watching sports announcers, during a game, hamming up the leading team and acting like they knew what was going to happen all the time--when they didn't have a clue.
I get so tired of reading all the so-called "experts" on the economy, when in reality it is all just econobabble.
by Guido1 April 2, 2008
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An expensive wireless computer mouse that does not need a mouse pad or be in contact with any surface. Can be operated in a manner similar to the Wii Nunchuck.
The first time I saw someone use an air mouse, it almost blew my mind.
by Guido1 April 6, 2010
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The religion of the Na'vi in Avatar. The religious concept that God is in the nature of all things, that one can become one with whatever is in the natural enviroment, but still retain identity.
When I first saw Avatar, everyone stood up and clapped at the end of the movie: the enviro-panetheism theme connected with everyone.
by Guido1 December 31, 2010
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A word combining: neo (new), pseudo (false), and idiotic.
Generally, an idea or thought process, that is represented as a novel, unique, or a new way of viewing some subject or person; however, that view is fundamentally wrong, flawed, or misrepresented and is usually nonsencical.
I listened to Rush Limbaugh and found that most of his remarks were neopseudotic.
by Guido1 May 29, 2008
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Man did you hear the news today, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, and Limbaugh and Cheney shared the other one, the Dumbell Piss Prize.
by Guido1 October 9, 2009
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