129 definitions by Gaaraofthedamned

One who at one point identified as a traditional hippie, sharing the same viewpoints on politics, culture, sex, and drugs, but have since cleaned up and taken up normal lives. While most ex-hippies remain politically liberal on most issues, their views tend to be more to the right than their views in their hippie days, while several take more conservative approaches to the drugs they once did, especially involving their own children.
For most ex-hippies, the same bands they liked back in the day remain with them. More often than not it remains the only thing about them that doesn't change.
by Gaaraofthedamned December 2, 2013
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Once one of the most important steps in creating and maintaining society, schools in the last 60 years or so have become about as effective as a condom with no covering on the tip.

Multiple factors have contributed to the downfall of school effectiveness, including (but not limited to):

*Teachers that treat students like they're more stupid than they really are

*Schoolboards and administrations that are more concerned with what the students are wearing than what they are learning

*Textbooks so boring and poorly written they make the worst parts of the bible look like the Harry Potter books

*Students who take out their frustrations with the school system on other students, making it hard for anyone to look forward to going

*Assignments, tests, and grading systems that make students start worrying about the smallest, most insignificant things.
Schools are really now nothing but prisons that let you go home every day-so long as you return the next.
by Gaaraofthedamned January 28, 2013
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From the game Portal 2. A lemon with the power to explode and start a fire. Yelled by Cave Johnson via an old recording while Chell and Glados navigate through the abandoned part of Apeture Science laboratories.
"I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustable lemon that burns your house down!"-Cave Johnson
by Gaaraofthedamned October 3, 2011
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When your internet browser doesn't load properly and several-if not all-pictures are replaced with a mini question mark.
I want to go on Facebook right now but everything is question marked out.
by Gaaraofthedamned November 11, 2012
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Former Saturday Night Live performer turned crazy, homophobic, teabagger.
I'd rather get gangraped by five Snookis than listen to the right wing bullshit coming out of Victoria Jackson's mouth.
by Gaaraofthedamned November 10, 2012
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A list of things/people that contain unoriginality:

-Most Rap music
-Family Guy
-Most of America unfortunatly
by Gaaraofthedamned July 14, 2011
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When you park your car in a big, empty spot on the street only to return later and find that two different people parked very closely in front and back of you.

While not (always) impossible to get out of, they are usually very tricky.
Ah great. I'm sandwiched in. I can't go anywhere until one of them pulls out.
by Gaaraofthedamned April 30, 2012
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