129 definitions by Gaaraofthedamned

Hilarious 1980 movie. After the navigator and both pilots are among multiple people on an airline heading to Chicago from Los Angeles that get sick from some strange foodbourne illness, a doctor and two flight attendants seek the help from everyday man Ted Stryker (the ex-lover of one of the flight attendants) who has trouble just going near a plane since he made what he believed to be a bad move during an airstrike in the Vietnam War.

The movie is known for it's very random humor (i.e. a group of reporters is getting info about the crisis when one of them says "Okay boys, lets get some pictures". They then walk over to a wall with framed photographs of airlines and randomly start taking them down and walking out the door).
I got annoyed when my friend kept uttering the "don't call me Shirley" joke from Airplane!
by Gaaraofthedamned January 23, 2011
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College term for a class that gets cancelled for a semester due to insufficient enrollment by the semester's start date.

This does not mean the college has removed the class altogether. They still plan to offer it in the future starting the next semester (assuming they meet the minimum required enrollment by the specified date).
Greg: So how's music theory going?

Tom: It became a withdrawn course after only five students signed up for it. I'll just try again next semester.
by Gaaraofthedamned March 10, 2014
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Music that just does not sound good. Simple as that.

Everyone's views on what music is terrible varies, but basically about all modern day/mainstream rap music (maybe except Eminem) is a terrific example of terrible music.
I had to move out of my apartment because my neighbor was always playing terrible music.
by Gaaraofthedamned January 23, 2011
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