Slang for "Turkey", as pronounced in the Bronx, Joisey, etc.; can mean any of the following:
1) Large, mostly flightless bird, like the one you flattened with your car while driving in the boonies last Saturday.
2) Refers to a person who is a goofball, has done something clumsily, or is generally undesirable -- a "dud".
3) can also refer to a device, object or system which malfunctions, performs badly, or just plain don't work.
Hunter #1: hey, this Turkey trap you brought along doesn't work!
Hunter #2: It's a turkey?
Hunter #1: No, there is NO Turkey in doesn't work.
Hunter #2: Whatever. Let's get soused.
by Norman December 7, 2003
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Slang for "Turkey", as pronounced in the Bronx, Jersey, etc.; can mean any of the following:
1) Large, mostly flightless bird
2) Refers to a person that is unintelligent or clumsy.
3) Score awarded in bowling to a player that bowls 3 strikes consecutively.
"I hit a big toikey with my car on my way home fa da holiday."

"Don't let these toikeys bother you. They didn't

even finish high school."

"Hold my beer, I've got two strikes down and I'm goin' fa da toikey!"
by Czarnold November 26, 2021
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(Pronouced Toy-key boy-guh, to be said in a New York accent) A sandwich compiled mostly of turkey, and other various condiments and sandwich additives.
Hey, waita. It's been twenty fuckin' minutes since I ordered my toikey boiga. Kapish?
by sidexwalk June 28, 2009
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