1. A self aware and actively practicing member of the social class known as nerd(s).

2. A person who purposefully strives to amass large quantities of knowledge about subjects often too detailed or complicated for most other people to be bothered with.
He is a total nerdite, and proud of it.

by agentlotek May 25, 2011
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The quality or state of being nerdy; extent of nerdiness.
They were stunned by my nerditity when I knew what a flash drive was.
by Kaditney April 20, 2011
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Dude, just nerdit and you will be able to find the definition of erection ratio.
by Gary Coleman IV June 15, 2008
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Nerd Credit - Something you say that earns you nerd points
Friend: Dude, I just posted a Star Trek vs. Star Wars comparison site on reddit.

You: Congrats that's worth 3 nerdits!
by drewbage December 4, 2010
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