A person who does things "just to say" they are but they're really not.

John is the epitome of an asshole, but sometimes he's nice just to say he's nice because he's trying to impress someone.
by hooligan mooligan December 30, 2010
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What someone says before saying what they are going to say. Often a nervous habit.
Teacher: Billy, do you have something you want to say?

William: I was just gonna say my name is William.

Teacher: William, what is the answer to number four?

William: I was just gonna say that it's Pluto, sir.
by jkerp16 November 11, 2008
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a phrase used to indicate that we refuse to defend a claim we've made---in other words, that we refuse to offer reasons that what we've said is true
PERSON-A: "You shouldn't hang out with her anymore."
PERSON-B: "After all she's done to help me? Wouldn't that be pretty mean and selfish of me?"
PERSON-A: "I'm *just saying*, you should quit hanging out with her."
by hauteflash July 3, 2006
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What is fed into kids minds at school in the early intermediate grades. It really doesn't work much in the fight against drugs, etc
by larstait October 27, 2003
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What people say as a shaming tac tic to a person that makes a valid point while also making it sound like they’re compensating for something
Creator : Being tall doesn’t make you superior

Commenter : If you’re short just say that
by YoungGangster March 22, 2021
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A suffix to a sentence which indicates that the sentence did not need to be said and everyone involved would have been better off had it not been said.
"I think her outfit makes her look like a submarine, just saying!"
by mog_ July 29, 2022
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1.Saying no to certain things.
2.Gene Simmons
1. Person 1: You want some H?
Person2: Just say no, Just SAY NO! JUST FUCKIN SAY NO!

2. Person 1: Dude, just say no.
Person 2: Heh. Gene Simmons is off da heezay!
by Steph September 26, 2004
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