83 definitions by Steph

comes from the full name, malamatinas. this is an adjective used 2 describe a greek boy that is in love with his ex and watches an unhealthy amount of films
urghhhh hes a mala
by Steph July 1, 2004
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Something that you say when someone firmly grabs your ass.
WAGGA!!! ohhh i liked it, do it again! WAGGA!!!
by Steph January 9, 2004
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a person with two different souls stuck inside of them with two totally different personalities
if you are schizophrenic, one minute you'll be happy and smiling, then the next minute, you'll be in tears
by Steph March 21, 2005
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An Exclamation said to warn someone that someone or something is coming towords them.
(after seeing a teacher come down the hallway when your class has locked the teacher in the closet and is totaly trashing the classroom) JAJACKAMO!
by Steph December 31, 2004
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one who resembles a donkey's foot
jessica was stepped on by a donkey and had an imprint of a hoof in her face. stephanie came by and said,'you look like a fonkey.'
by Steph April 28, 2003
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The butterfly in swimming is a great technique. Your body goes in a dolphin type of movement, almost like a rythem, and your hands goes with the rythem of your body. I love the stroke. Not everyone can do it though.
by Steph February 6, 2005
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