The person that comes to mind when you are in a Starbucks buying coffee because you know they wouldn't miss the chance of being there at Starbucks with you.
I wish my Starbuckser was here.
by Bisi Sous Panda July 24, 2015
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"Dude, those people took down their Christmas decorations the day after Christmas! They're totally Starbucksing right now! SO insensitive. Damn."
by MasterofSatire November 20, 2015
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Going to Starbucks and most likely ordering a pumpkin spice latte. It's like clubbing for basic white girls.
Look, Amelia is starbucksing!
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 2, 2018
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Act of getting daily Starbucks fix
I am so tired, I need to go get Starbucksed.

Russell looks so out of it, has he been Starbucksed yet today?
by Ingaling February 28, 2010
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The act of going to Starbucks to indulge in the deliciousness of mass produced coffee. Often an activity you do with a particular friend or person; a tradition.
Person 1: Hey, man, what you up to this evening?
Person 2: You wanna go Starbucksing?
Person 1: For sure, you want to call up {person 3}?
by Jeeza Leeza December 1, 2006
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To crave Starbucks. To fiend for Starbucks. The feeling of really wanting to drink something from Starbucks.
by Loida Casares Ruiz March 10, 2008
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