Quarantinized - when you are so used to being quarantined, you won't survive the outside world.

Etymology: While watching Shawshank Redemption Red (Morgan Freeman was talking about Brooks (Old Prisoner) who was "Institutionalized" and when he got out. He could not survive and committed suicide. (Great Scene).


Man's been here fifty years. This

place is all he knows. In here,

he's an important man, an educated

man. A librarian. Out there, he's

nothing but a used-up old con with

arthritis in both hands. Couldn't

even get a library card if he

applied. You see what I'm saying?


Red, I do believe you're talking

out of your ass.


Believe what you want. These walls

are funny. First you hate 'em, then

you get used to 'em. After long

enough, you get so you depend on

'em. That's "institutionalized."
Boy Friend: This is going to be the best party in the city! I can't think of being with nobody else....You coming?

Girl Friend:No.
Boy Friend: You've been Quarantinized...too long!
by MostOkayest August 8, 2020
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Staying home and fucking away from everyone
Me at work: I was told that I was supposed to get two weeks of quarantine
Boss: Shut the hell up Bob and make me a sandwich!!
by nbaerick March 23, 2020
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The act of putting someone in isolation due to the god damn fucking corona
im in quarantine
by GregPaulLikesUnderageGirls March 18, 2020
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A form of living hell during covid 19 were we have to stay home and live a very shity life style and our mental health is effected. We also can't see our freinds or anyone for a long time. We are also out of school and everything
Me " I was in America yesterday" Government" you must self quarantine for 14 days" Me "😠😠"
by Thesavageofall March 29, 2020
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The name of the artwork that displayed a banana sticked to the wall at art Basel 2019
Quarantine, an artwork interpretation by artist Caro Tejada & Hope the Blue robot
by Caro Tejada April 30, 2020
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You can’t spell quarantine without u r a q t
You can’t spell quarantine without u r a q t
by Spot:) June 13, 2020
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What you thought you had to do for only 2 weeks but actually at this point it's more like 24/7/366.
Yay!!!! I love being quarantined and stuck at home!!!!! This is the best thing ever!!!! :D
by Pialinist June 10, 2020
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