An Uncultured Ignoramus is a person who doesn't know anything about anything and is rather basic in their knowledge.
by angrypenguin7 February 22, 2017
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(n.) A person who is 144 times worse than a normal ignoramus.
"I move that we fire that smart-assed IT tech. He's a gross ignoramus."
by Rob Porter September 20, 2007
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To be too stupid to insult, the act of acting like a fucking idiot on the internet or around others.
Me: You are too stupid to insult, you Ignoramus Dweeb.
by iSanys December 22, 2013
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One who only plays video games for strictly gameplay only and doesn't care for the storyline aspects of a game. These people often skip movie scenes in games whether they are of importance or not so they can jump right back into the game.

This is includes things such as the liking of a game for any of the following reasons:
>Amazing graphics
>Added female characters
>>Female is a main character
>Online Play
>Classic Feel
>Little to no storyline aspects.
1. Joe is such a gamer ignoramus, he always skips the movie scenes in the game he plays and never knows what is going afterword.

2. "This Game is awesome it has a female as the main character and has females in the online play, plus the graphics are killer."

"Abby you are such a gamer ignoramus! Do you even care for the story of Black Ops II?"

"Everybody knows Call of Duty isn't about the story mode, it's about all the fun stuff you can do online and in zombies."
by Ha ha ha Tomorrow's Sunday November 29, 2012
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The scientific name of the Pananian Marsh Beaver. Chosen to reflect the species intelligence (or lack thereof). Beaverus Ignoramus is currently listed as a pest, and the PBSP is working tirelessly to rid the Panania of this unwanted species.
"Beaverus Ignoramus is truly the only animal on Earth that serves no actual purpose."
by D.E March 19, 2004
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A fancy way of saying idiot. It is theorized that it is actually a new species of human, the Dufus Ignoramus, said to be found in your everyday locations. It is said that once found, the Dufus Ignoramus will become self concious, and escalate from the Dufus Ignoramus to the Dufus Ignoramus maximus, a much more saucy and ignorant version of the initial one.
George: Dude, john is such a dufus ignoramus, yesterday, i saw him standing in aisle seven with his pants on the ground while arguing with the store manager about how flamingos need a new habitat.

Frank: The manager was lucky there wasnt an audience, or else he would've gotten inflamed and told him that his cheese sticks arent ripe yet, and then he would attempt to become a bear.
by Silent walrus June 11, 2010
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A condition where a successor in a corporate role feels that the predecessor has been an absolute loser; everything is in shambles and it’s upon him to now start building processes and initiatives to achieve goals.
Man, I cant listen one more minute to Pete going on about how everything was such a mess before he joined. He’s got Ignoramus Asshole Syndrome (IAS).
by mangomanbunty December 9, 2021
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